Full Harvest SuperMoon

As seen near Hubbard, Oregon, the night of September 9, 2014
“And God made two great lights;
the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night:
he made the stars also.”

(Genesis 1:16)

The big night was September 8-9, 2014. The three photos I got that night aren’t so great.

So here are my photos the following night, taken 8:04-8:19 pm (Pacific) on September 9.

Supermoon rising behind trees east of Hubbard, Oregon USA
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” (Psalm 19:1).

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Why Extending Your Arms Helps Your Equilibrium

It has to do with your center of gravity.

Mark Roth doing a balancing act

Whether walking along a train track rail or across the top of a fence, having your arms outstretched helps you maintain your balance.

Whether walking a tightrope or a wall or a rafter, stretching your arms out from your sides seems to help keep you on the rope, wall, or rafter.

Why? Or is it all an illusion?

Unaided, a person’s center of balance is located just beneath their ribcage, about halfway from the ground to the top of a person’s head. This means that we balance from this part of our bodies. Carrying a long pole lowers our center of balance, just as holding out our arms to the sides does. If the pole is long enough, a person’s center of balance can be lowered to their knees, ankles or even the tops of their feet. A lower center of balance makes it easier for anyone to balance while walking across even a narrow rope.

Center of Balance

To get along well in life, we need a good sense of balance — physically, mentally, socially, spiritually. So along those lines, a few random thoughts…

People have tried for too long to “balance” their secular life with their “Christian” life. (May a Christian Do That?)

Blessing God does not undo my railing against another. It won’t even act as a counter balance to my evil speaking, somehow evening the score and giving me a clean slate. (Window to My Heart) Read it all

Above all, love God!