Needed: Real Pacifiers

I just Googled peace prize and gospel treyvon (among other searches), checking for recent (last 24 hours) news stories.

From what I could tell, no Nobel Peace Prize winner has stepped up to knock down the fires since my post yesterday, Calling Peace Prize Laureates. (Or before, for that matter.)

Nor could I see any evidence of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being offered as applicable to the race mess that continues to burble and gurgle. Read it all

“Will You Stand With the Terrorists?”

Ladies and gentlemen, today’s blunt speech to the United Nations by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

I have no illusion that it made or will make a difference.

May God keep the Jews, Abraham’s children of the promise.

And may He also bless the Arabs, Abraham’s children of the flesh.*

May He bless us all, Jew and Gentile alike.


Undeserving though we all are.

And may we each find peace and hope in that son of Abraham, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.


* “Arabs are Abraham’s children of the flesh” — is that a true statement?

Did President Obama Say That About Israel?

What did President Obama really say?

Some of what President Obama had to say today regarding Israel is extremely alarming (though hardly surprising) to me.

But my quibble in this post is with what is being reported about part of what he said.

Did he really call for “Israel’s return to pre-1967 borders” as the headline states above?

I didn’t listen to the speech, so I’ll stick my neck out and quote the President from the story headlined above:

“We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states.”

That seems to me to say something different than what the headline says.

What say you?

Above all, love God!