“A Father, Huh?”

How to gain a right concept of God when fathers fail
how to get an accurate picture of God as Father

“Do you know my Dad?”

  • “He abandoned us!”
  • “He is ill-tempered and abusive!”
  • “I was conceived out of wedlock; I am a child of sin.”
  • “He is too busy for us.”
  • “He is so immature it’s mortifying.”
  • “He is a loser.”

“I get no warm fuzzies at the thought of fathers. Why should I about God? In fact, how is my Dad not a message from God to me . . . about me?”Read it all

Sasha Krause Update: A Poem for Her Killer’s Mother

Pray for her...and mothers still raising their little ones

Welcome home, Sasha Krause

So two mornings ago, on April 21, detectives arrested Mark Gooch for the homicide of Sasha Krause. Gooch was serving as an airman at Luke Air Force Base near Phoenix, AZ. The 21-year-old is from a Mennonite family in Wisconsin, but I gather he never chose to serve the Lord. Whatever the case, he now stands accused of murder.

I really appreciate the short poem about his mother, written by…I don’t know who. I have two sources, and they don’t agree. One attributes it to a lady in the Wisconsin congregation; another, to someone in the Farmington congregation. But never mind that — here you have it: Read it all

Prayer Chewing

An absent son, a present pancake, a father's present

Some folks go prayer walking.

toasted pancakeA few minutes ago, I chose to do some prayer chewing. (Why not?)

Our youngest son Andy is on the East Coast somewhere singing with Tapestry Chamber Singers. He likes to eat leftover pancakes, toasted. I needed a late afternoon snack. I opened the fridge. I saw a bag with leftover pancakes from yesterday morning’s breakfast.

I toasted one in his honor. And thought of him. And prayed for him. While I chewed. (It’s what Dads should do.) Read it all

How Many Music Makers Can a House Hold?

I don't know about the typical household, but ours has several.

Night before last, as I looked for a certain old photo in one of our albums, I noticed this one:

Andrew Roth baby organ
“Hmmm… Big sister LaVay does this…”

Well, one thing has led to another for our youngest son Andy.

A song by Chayli and Andy
He composed the music for his sister Chayli’s poem.

I don’t know how he does it… Read it all

Love: The Proof Is in the Pudding

That love you profess -- Is it curdled and barf-worthy?

Love, the proof is in the putting

Love puts its object first.

When you tell him, “I love you,” you’re saying you put him first.

When you declare your love for them, you’re committing yourself to keep putting them ahead of yourself.

Love puts aside selfish self-interests and self-centered self-absorption in order to do what is best for another.

Love puts a premium on the good of another…and without complaint or self-pity pays that premium.

Love puts its best into benefiting the other. Read it all

How to Alienate Children and Influence Generations

Parents pigging out at the mobile trough get my goat!

angry or sad child while mom is on cell phone

Have you ever watched families at a fast food joint? Some folks from Boston Medical Center got curious about such social events. We’ve got a problem, Houson.

Before illuminating the problem, though, I offer you an attainable solution:

happy family with no electronic toys or mobile devices at mealtime

Parents, put down your electronics and take up your own flesh and blood! Disconnect from you mobile devices and connect with your children.

That’s my short response to this unscientific-but-telling study: Read it all

Above all, love God!