Peace, Part II

Furious Berlusconi demands apology from wife

Now, which emoticon should I use?! 🙄 😯 😥 😆

I don’t know if either of the Berlusconis are Christians, but I suppose one could also wonder who the real Christians are in this next story.

U.S. denies letting troops convert Afghans

The U.S. military denied Monday it has allowed soldiers to try to convert Afghans to Christianity, after a television network showed pictures of soldiers with bibles translated into local languages.

General Order Number 1 from the U.S. military’s Central Command forbids active duty troops — including all those serving in Iraq and Afghanistan — from trying to convert people to their religion, considered a crime in many Muslim countries.


“The translated bibles were never distributed as far as we know, because the soldier understood that if he distributed them he would be in violation of general order 1, and he would be subject to punishment.”

No man can serve to masters, Jesus said once upon a time.

Besides, those soldiers are there to kill people, not save them. Or am I missing something?

Other reading: Kosovo and Serbia: A Case Study Regarding Christians in the Military

Woes in the Holy Land

You can help!

Here are the first three paragraphs of something I just posted on another of my sites:

Times are tough in the USA. But in the Holy Land….

GAZA CONFLICT: The recent conflict in Gaza caused the deaths of more than 1,000 people, injured thousands more, and destroyed or damaged 21,000 homes. The war increased the woes in this troubled part of the world, known as the Holy Land.

After the militant group, Hamas, continued firing rockets into southern Israel, ignoring repeated warnings, Israel began air strikes the weekend of December 28 and later moved in with tanks. This recent conflict is part of the long-running feud between Israel and the Palestinians. As always, many innocent people — families, children, and the elderly, both Jewish and Palestinian — suffer the consequences.

CAM has been working diligently with our contacts in Israel to supply food parcels to hundreds of needy families in Gaza (mostly Christian, but also some Muslim). We also plan to distribute Christian literature in Gaza. On the Israeli side, where people are traumatized by the rocket fire, we will distribute care packages.

You can help!

Will you?

Christian Seed in Islamic Soil

Revival Comes to the Muslim World

Some call it a revolution in the Middle East but it’s not the result of political movement. Muslims are coming to faith in Jesus Christ in large numbers.


“Just in the four countries we work in, we’re projecting one hundred new churches just in Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt,” he explained. “In Iran, the ministries that are working together are projecting 10,000 churches in Iran next year. That’s how fast they’re opening up to the Gospel.”

So there is good news out there!

God Loves Muslims

Floyd McClung writes:

How would Jesus respond to Muslims? We know how. He would treat them like he treated the Samaritan woman at the well, the Roman centurion who came to Him for help, and the tax collectors and prostitutes. Jesus would treat Muslims like he treated Simon the Zealot – the Zealots were urban terrorists of the day – he would invite him to follow Him! Jesus would treat Muslims like he treats you and me. With love, respect, and huge compassion and amazing grace.

One of the greatest challenges we face as followers of Jesus in today’s world is how to respond to Muslims and violence in the Middle East. Some believers are fearful that Muslims are our enemy and are “out to destroy our way of life.”

Should we circle the wagons in alarm and fear? Should we warn everyone how bad Muslims are and alert people of their plots to “destroy our nation,” as one American believer said to me?

No fear! No hatred! No, none for us who follow Jesus. We have a calling from God to love Muslims. They are not our enemy. The real enemy wants us to see people as our enemy.

He’s right, of course.

But will the average Christian accept that?

Unique Adversaries

After the flirtation came the fatwa:

With some overly friendly comments to Gov. Sarah Palin at the United Nations, Asif Ali Zardari has succeeded in uniting one of Pakistan’s hard-line mosques and its feminists after a few weeks in office.

A radical Muslim prayer leader said the president shamed the nation for “indecent gestures, filthy remarks, and repeated praise of a non-Muslim lady wearing a short skirt.”

Feminists charged that once again a male Pakistani leader has embarrassed the country with sexist remarks. And across the board, the Pakistani press has shown disapproval.

Muslims and feminists and the press — I wonder how often that axis teams up!

Oh, what did he say to her?

“The whole of America is crazy” — actually, he said more. 🙄

MVP Alert

For at least a week I’ve had this thought infrequently popping into my head: This is a prime time for a 9/11-style terror strike in the US.

Because of the money crisis.

Because of the deep divisions in the country due to and/or revealed by the electioneering going on.

Because of a soon-to-be-replaced US President.

Because of seemingly-lame leadership everywhere.

Now I see this story (of which I read very little):

Feds launch dragnet to stop ‘October surprise’ attack

For the first time since 9/11, counterterrorism field agents have been authorized to spy on young Muslim men and women – including American citizens – who have traveled to Pakistan without any specific evidence of wrongdoing.

I still wonder about publicizing this kind of information.

But that aside, who among the citizenry will be watchful and alert and on guard?

(In prayer, that is?)

UK’s first official sharia courts

Of camels and noses?

UK’s first official sharia courts

Islamic law has been officially adopted in Britain, with sharia courts given powers to rule on Muslim civil cases.

The government has quietly sanctioned the powers for sharia judges to rule on cases ranging from divorce and financial disputes to those involving domestic violence.

Rulings issued by a network of five sharia courts are enforceable with the full power of the judicial system, through the county courts or High Court.

Previously, the rulings of sharia courts in Britain could not be enforced, and depended on voluntary compliance among Muslims.

It has now emerged that sharia courts with these powers have been set up in London, Birmingham, Bradford and Manchester with the network’s headquarters in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. Two more courts are being planned for Glasgow and Edinburgh.

HT: Dunker Journal

Above all, love God!