Ken Miller Sentencing Day

What will Judge Sessions say to Ken Miller . . . and about him?

Today is the day Kenneth Miller is to be sentenced.

For what again?

When he stands before Judge Sessions in about four hours, he will be there as one who before God committed no crime. (Yes, I know; that’s my opinion.)

Though I am extremely interested in knowing what sentence Judge Sessions will impose, I am even more interested in knowing what he will have to say about Ken and to him.

I was going to post this yesterday morning, but computer matters and church responsibilities prevented me from doing so. I was free again last night, but by then I was undisposed. 🙂 So, in case you haven’t seen this story elsewhere, here you go… Read it all

Kenneth Miller Trial: Day 4

After this paragraph, the rest of this post was written by Loyal Martin, one of the observers present at Kenneth Miller’s trial. Loyal did not write this for use here at Ain’t Complicated, but he did give me permission to republish his report here. Thank you once again, Loyal! (I made a few for-the-web changes.) Now, his report of the proceedings on Tuesday, August 14, 2012.

Our whole family along with several others brothers from NY arrived at Burlington Court about 8:50 am to find a line stretching out the front door and down the sidewalk. Read it all

Kenneth Miller Convicted!

A pastor from Virginia was convicted Tuesday of helping a woman flee the country three years ago, when she was on the brink of having to turn custody of her young daughter over to the woman who was once her partner in a Vermont civil union.

The jury issued its verdict against the Rev. Kenneth Miller after several hours of deliberations in the case, Read it all

Above all, love God!