Either I’m sure I remember or I’m not sure I actually remember.
- John McCain said he would veto earmarked, pork-barrel bills.
- John McCain recently voted for the earmarked $700 billion bailout bill.
- Barack Obama said he wouldn’t do something or other regarding financing for his Presidential campaign.
- Barack Obama did indeed do that something or other.
- Barack Obama flunked “tests” that Dan Quayle was hounded and mocked about.
- Bob Dole resigned from the Senate to run for President.
- Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John McCain, and Joe Biden didn’t resign from the Senate though they ran (or are yet running) for President or VP.
- Hillary said repeatedly she wouldn’t run for President.
- The media was very supportive of John McCain during the primary season.
- Joe Biden declared Obama someone who shouldn’t get on-the-job training in the Oval Office.
- Al Gore’s poll numbers in 2000 were pre-reminiscent of McCain’s in 2008.
- A Gerald Ford foreign-policy-type observation cinched the noose around his campaign.
- We were warned years ago about fluoride being put in water with the intent of making the American populace meek, mellow, gullible, and ripe for overthrow.
Do you think I remember? Or not?
PS: This list has been in Expansion Mode for several days. Time to post it.