Mennonite Businesses in Madras

I don’t know how many Mennonite-run businesses have “set up shop” in Madras, Oregon. At least five, I suspect. Be that as it may, this post is about two owned by preachers.

First, because it’s older, is Eagle Bakery. I’ve been to their store in town…and enjoyed the mighty fine eating and atmosphere. Rob may be a conservative Mennonite but I notice in the archives of the local paper that he and his wife Faye have helped an Adventist school. And despite being non-resistant, they’ve also helped in a nice project for some war veterans. I heartily commend them for their generous spirit.

Then there’s the more-recently launched bent-and-dent store, Miller’s Discount Groceries. I’ve never been in their store but I’m looking forward to doing so the next time I’m in town. (I like that kind of store.)

Next time you’re in Madras, how about you do me a favor and stop by both places? You could even tell them, “Mark Roth said to give you his greetings.” I would like that very much. And they might as well. In fact, you might, too. 🙂

If you go to the grocery store (map) first, you’ll be within four blocks from the bakery. (I suspect it works out to the same distance the other way around also.)

Madras, Oregon

We came over to Luke and LaVay’s on Saturday. We plan to head home in another two or three hours. Right now, I’m in town, at the Jefferson County Library. A very nice little library with WiFi Internet access for free. (I’ve even used it when they’re closed, just parked in the street.)

Anyway, I took a few pictures here in Madras this morning. But I’m not going to put them up right now (11:11 am). I don’t have time.

But I wanted to get this post started, so there you are. 🙄

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Taking a Break

So on Monday we went over to Madras (Oregon, not India) to see our Mullet children. Well, Tuesday morning I took a break from computer work to go outside and do some brisk walking.

Eventually I took a break from my walking and took a picture of son-in-law Luke’s neat old-fashioned insulation:

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The King’s in Town!

King of Jordan visits Central Oregon

Central Oregon is abuzz over news of a bona fide blue blood in their midst.

King Abdullah Hussein of Jordan arrived in Bend this week to embark on a motorcycle trip through the Pacific Northwest with his family….

OK, I want to know why I wasn’t informed.

I know people in Central Oregon. Your assignment is to get me a photo or two of the king and/or one of his family.

Don’t let me down!

PS to the monarch: I plan to be in Madras this weekend. See you there!

PS to srs: I know you read this once in a while. I know you go on motorcycle trips once in a while. I know you go to that part of Oregon once in a while. Now’s the time for you to do the right thing (see Assignment, Previous).

Above all, love God!