15+ Fleeting Fruit Fly Thoughts Revealed

So guard your eyes and your thoughts

Fruit fly on WikiMedia

Early this morning.
I sat there, watching the fruit flies.
All three of them — hovering, flitting.
“What is their field of vision?” I wondered.

Thus the Fruit Fly Thought Cascade began.
With just an innocent look.
Followed by a lingering gaze.
Followed by a single thought.

There’s a lesson there.
(I’ll put it at the end.)
(Is where.)
But about the fruit flies…

What is their depth perception?

How close can they focus? How far?

Are they afraid of me?

How fast do their little wings beat? Read it all

Weekend Reflections and Head-Scratchers

Too much to think and write about. Hence this substitute for both!

I thought to post some of my observations from/of the weekend (which I presume begins Friday evening and ends Sunday evening). But I need to finish writing CLE Bible 902 Lesson 1.

And yet, how shall I write about Abram with “Mark’s Weekend Thinking” a-buzz in my head? (To my friends: none of this “Mark’s weak end, thinking” business, OK? 🙄 Thank you.)

So I figured out that I should write down some snippets and memory joggers to serve as a guide (for later) and as a mind declogger (for now).

Wow! I dredged up and skimmed off far more than I realized was there. 😯 I have way too much to write about. So I won’t.

Except to post my snippets and memory joggers. Alphabetically. Read it all

Plagiarism in Our Auditorium

I don't understand Christians using others' work without attribution.

Do you know how odd it is to hear the Sunday School teacher…and realize that nobody else realizes they are hearing your thoughts? I do.

Have you ever grown suspicious of a visiting minister’s phrasing…and later learned from Google that he was reading straight out of another’s book? I have.

I don’t mind public speakers reading or otherwise using material that isn’t their own. Provided they do it in moderation and with attribution.

But it’s a breach of integrity, ethics, and public trust to do so without letting the audience know they are doing so! Read it all

Avast, ThinkPad, Bible 900, Hungering, XP, and Me

Pre-April-8 priorities brought upon me by Microsoft and hackers

Plagiarists and hackers, Microsoft and Christian Light Publications, children and bill collectors — they’re all having their own say in my day in their own way.

But it’s up to me to weigh my priorities and then arrange them by order of weight.

Among the top things still undone (by me) today… Read it all

Above all, love God!