SCOTUS: From ArizonaScare to ObamaCare?

ArizonaScare™ — I made that up all by myself. Hmmm. I should go back and insert a trademark sign by that, just for the fun of it. (Hang on a bit while I see if I remember how to do it…)

ArizonaScare™ is my monicker for SB1070 (you know, Arizona’s infamous and/or noble immigration law). Don’t ask me why. 🙂

Might the Supreme Court’s decisions in the Arizona case lead us to correct conclusions about the ObamaCare case? Read it all

A Facebook Trayvon Discussion

OK, I don’t want to get hung up on the Trayvon Martin case. However, I thought posting a series of comments from my Facebook Wall would help clarify what I was getting at as well give a little “equal time” to an alternate perspective.

Yesterday evening I posted a link to my Why Trayvon Martin? post and this developed: Read it all

Above all, love God!