Three Days and No More

Resurrection morning at the tomb -- experiences at the tomb of Jesus.

Mary Magdalene at the tomb of Jesus

Disconnected excerpts from a John 20:1-18 story I wove about Resurrection morning.

  • The Jewish religious leaders remembered something Jesus’ own disciples had already forgotten…
  • Sometime after sunset Saturday night, another great earthquake shook the area…
  • Those who saw Jesus die as well as those who heard of His death knew where He belonged.
  • As soon as she got close enough to see through the gray of dawn’s early light, she peered more intently in startled astonishment.
  • The incredulous men listened as the exhausted, perhaps hysterical woman poured out her report.
  • It looked as though Jesus’ body were still there, except for that disconcerting gap between the body wrappings and the head wrapping!
  • And put yourself in John’s shoes — how would you go about telling Jesus’ mother that you believed He was alive again!
  • The conversation and its matter-of-factness seem to indicate that Mary didn’t recognize these folks as angels.
  • Though she saw Him and scrutinized Him carefully, He just was not anybody she recognized.
  • Imagine the Lord’s compassion for Mary as He listened to her sobbed reply.
  • Or she could have stiffened in shock, and then turned back slowly, recognition surging through her incredulity…
  • So instead of trying to figure out what the Lord meant, notice instead the clear clue to the nature Jesus’ resurrected body.
  • Such a beautiful name for the disciples, even though they had denied and abandoned Him!

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Where Does the Time Go?

Where does the time go, Jesus?

We can’t seem to get everything done in one day.

Maybe we are trying to do too many things.

No matter how busy it gets, Jesus, help us to spend time with You every single day.

If we don’t, slow us down so we can.

Thank You, Jesus.


I don’t know who said that. I think it may have been Marilyn Jansen.

Building With Sand

I would like to see some sand sculptures like the ones photographed on July 12 at Weston-Super-Mare (Somerset, England) beach. On that beach “the sand has the right consistency for perfect sculpting.”

In the first image is a North American sand sculpture — consisting of totem poles, bears, a hockey player, fir trees and buildings sculpted by Jill and Thomas from Florida.

North American sand sculpture

Next check out this lion and “Sand Rover” (built by I don’t know who).

Another sand sculpture

Aren’t those amazing?! And neat?! Those folks are quite the artists!

But doesn’t it seem kinda dumb to invest that kind of time and talent and effort into something as short-lasting as a monument of sand?

Jesus warned against building on sand. These folks build with sand on sand.

There are good life lessons in that, no?

“And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand” (Matthew 7:26).

On what you building your life?

And with what are you building?

Above all, love God!