Israel, Hamas, and the “Gates of Hell”

Joel C. Rosenberg reports from Israel: We urgently need Christians around the world to pray for peace. The situation here is rapidly going from bad to worse.

First, from the Times of Israel:

The Israeli Air Force on Wednesday launched a series of airstrikes in Gaza City, killing Ahmed Jabari, the head of Hamas’s armed wing — the equivalent of an army’s chief of staff — and his son, Mohammed al-Homs. Palestinian sources put the death toll at up to nine by evening.


Hamas’s armed wing warned that in assassinating Jabari, Israel “had opened the gates of hell on itself.”

Next, from a blog post by Joel C. Rosenberg: Read it all

Ahmadinejad Preaches to the United Nations

Who cares what some “third world” leader (and a likely “puppet” at that) has to say?

A lot of people have that attitude.

But this is the man “at the helm” of a nuke-bent radical state.

So I offer you some excerpts from Joel C. Rosenberg’s (books) piece: Read it all

Netanyahu’s Bible Study

If the man is a Christian or interested in becoming one, I can understand a Bible study.

Otherwise, I wonder if this is being called something it isn’t.

After all, a practicing Jew doesn’t accept the Bible as a whole, does he?

Makes me wonder: Will this study even be using Bibles? Genuine, sixty-six-book, two-testament Bibles? Read it all

Above all, love God!