“The Mahdi is coming!”
Moderate Islam. Radical Islam. Militant Islam.
About the time you were getting confused and cynical about them all, along comes another term, complements of Joel C. Rosenberg: Apocalyptic Islam. Read it all
Mark's Views, Perhaps — from behind my eyeballs
“The Mahdi is coming!”
Moderate Islam. Radical Islam. Militant Islam.
About the time you were getting confused and cynical about them all, along comes another term, complements of Joel C. Rosenberg: Apocalyptic Islam. Read it all
Are the ones in orange pictured above among these now?
“I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God” (Revelation 20:4).
I don’t know enough to pretend to know the eternal status of those 21 Eygptian Copts slaughtered on that beach. But I thought of the Revelation scene(s).
I also thought of this angle: Read it all
I’m not here to report on the news. You don’t need that.
I’m here to let you know how you can help, if seeing and hearing about the unfolding collapse in Iraq makes you wish you could help the suffering ones somehow.
You know about Christian Aid Ministries, right?
Here are some excerpts of what they have to say about ISIS in Iraq and the crisis going on right now: Read it all
Since some friends have served in Bangladesh and one of them plans to return later this month, this story of forced conversions to Islam drew my attention:
A local government official in central Bangladesh has halted the construction of a church, forced Christians to worship at a mosque and threatened them with eviction from their village unless they renounce their faith.
“Their threats chilled me to the bone. That is why I pretended to accept Islam, but faith in Christ is the wellspring of my life. Now I am no longer a Muslim; I am a Christian.”
Eight Christians agreed to return to Islam since Sept. 14, under the chairman’s orders. The chairman and his associates had already beaten some of those Christians three years ago for accepting Christianity.
Local chairman Faruk told World Watch Monitor that some Christians had been acting against Islam, due to their incorrect interpretation of the Qur’an.
“The Imams and other elders of the society called them for rectification because of their aberrant behaviour. They were derailed, so we tried to put them on the right track,” he said.
“Eight people who had deviated came back to Islam. We are trying to bring back others. To change a religion, a person needs to swear his or her name, and should inform a local magistrate. If the magistrate permits, then he or she can change religion. But what they are doing is completely wrong.”
The book on the right isn’t about Bangladesh, but it might interest you anyway. 🙂
To read the full article I quote above, read Bangladeshi Christians told to close church, convert to Islam.
HT: persecution.org
Who cares what some “third world” leader (and a likely “puppet” at that) has to say?
A lot of people have that attitude.
But this is the man “at the helm” of a nuke-bent radical state.
So I offer you some excerpts from Joel C. Rosenberg’s (books) piece: Read it all
A Christian died for his faith in Tunisia. (That’s in Africa, right?)
Was he praying as he died? If so, what would a Christian be praying as a Muslim slices off his head? Read it all
No, not Mary, the mother of Jesus.
Mary, the sister of Jesus. (No, I don’t personally know that for sure.)
This particular Mary was abducted in Egypt in June 2007.
Alas, her case isn’t unique in that part of the world. But I highlight her to remind us: Read it all