Iran’s Progress

Every so often I rare back…and give this drum a light tap.

Time’s up on Iran

As the latest report by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Iran’s nuclear program makes clear, at its present rate of uranium enrichment, Iran will have sufficient quantities of enriched uranium to build two atomic bombs by February.


What is most notable about this IAEA finding is that it comes in a report that does everything possible to cover up Iran’s progress and intentions.

Reminder: If Iran does acquire nuclear weapons, those will not be the world’s first Islamic nukes. Pakistan beat them to that punch.

Israel Nukes Iran?

I drifted out of sleep this morning with that dream fresh at the edges of my consciousness.

I figured it was just a dream.

That’s good news to start a new week.

(No, I don’t attribute any significance to the dream. No, I have no idea why I would have dreamed that. Maybe it was the cukes I had at bedtime. But maybe not…since I didn’t have any.)

Culling the Opposition

Do you think Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatullah Ali Khamenei and President Ahmadinejad and former Foreign Minister and former Prime Minister Mousavi can remember 30 years ago?

That was a generation ago.

That was when the Shah of Iran was toppled and the US Embassy taken over for 444 days by the student radicals and protesters and revolutionaries of that day.

That was their heydey…and I’m sure they remember it well.

I suspect they would like to keep the new generation from doing to their power as they themselves did to the Shah’s power.

But how do you bring out into daylight the new generation of student radicals and protesters and revolutionaries…where you can ID them and/or arrest them and/or demoralize them and/or eliminate them?

And how do you increase the odds that in the process you might snag some agent provocateurs of the foreign sort — especially Israeli and American?

You stage a fraudulent election! 😯

So those three men (Khamenei, Ahmadinejad, and Mousavi) got together with other Iranian power brokers and planned the whole thing.

Is that my belief, my accusation? 🙄

Oh, don’t be silly!

On the other hand, I do not find such a scenario to be impossible or even improbable.

I just don’t know. And neither do you.

But I read it here first. And so did you (I suppose).

Now we’ll see if it develops legs.

MCC Iran Silence

Should the Mennonite Central Committee be silent on Iran?

As a Christian and a conservative Mennonite (the latter of which MCC isn’t, by the way), I say they shouldn’t make any political statements regarding the unrest in Iran.

Alas, they have not kept silence when it comes to Israel’s “mistreatment” and “oppression” and so forth of Palestinians. Nor have they kept silence when it has come to saying good things about Iran’s leadership.

Therefore, it seems the folks at CAMERA make a good point:

When it comes to rehabilitating his image in the United States, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad can count on the Mennonite Central Committee for assistance.

The organization has sponsored two dinners and an interfaith pilgrimage to Tehran during which Christian leaders have met with the Iranian President and offered kind words about the man afterwards.

Now that events demonstrate that Ahmadinejad is the public face of a brutal regime willing to suppress the people it governs, the organization has fallen silent.

After more than two days of protests and violence in Iran, the MCC has not published any statement about the organization on its website, nor does it have any plans to.

Even though I don’t identify with MCC, I still cringe at that kind of negative publicity seared to the the term Mennonite. 🙁

Oh, the above-quoted story is dated June 15. I just probed the MCC site and found no current Iran-related statement.

Maybe MCC has turned over a new leaf and has decided to stay out of politics. If that is the case, I commend them for that.

Irate Iranians

I just saw this photo on Drudge:

That is such a sad photo, if you stop and think about it well.

What hope is there for them?

Are they even alive yet?

The unrest and violence and efforts-at-revolution in Iran remind me again of my immense blessing at living in the United States. Why me and not they?

And I wonder again, how are God’s people faring in Iran? Right now?

And how many of God’s people in the USA are praying for those in Iran?

And how many other countries are experiencing this kind of chaos…but just aren’t getting the attention?

Now another thought: Will this mess cause Iran’s leaders to launch some sort of strike against Israel in an effort to turn national disunity into national unity?

And another thought: If Iran’s leaders determine they are on the way out, will they try to take out Israel with them?

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…and of Persia!

Iranian Birdies?

Look, I’m no gullible neophyte, OK? Maybe what I’m linking to is a set of shams.

But the idea of using Twitter this way is fascinating to me.

Share photos on twitter with Twitpic

That was allegedly taken in Iran. (Click for larger image.)

And here are links to two Twitter-ers claiming to be in Iran: Change_for_Iran and persiankiwi.

May the Lord keep His people. And use them as lights in the night.

HT: WorldMagBlog

Israel’s Opportunity?

Just wondering after reading this: Clashes erupt for 2nd day in Tehran over vote.

Here’s a bit from the piece:

There’s little chance that the youth-driven movement could immediately threaten the pillars of power in Iran — the ruling clerics and the vast network of military and intelligence forces at their command — but it raises the possibility that a sustained and growing backlash could complicate Iran’s policies at a pivotal time.

Maybe Israel will figure out this is a great time to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Or maybe they’ll decide a strike now will reverse the opposition to Iran’s president and thus could be counter-productive to Israeli interests.

Perhaps in his much-anticipated speech today, Israel’s Netanyahu will borrow one of President Reagan’s lines: “The bombs start falling in five minutes.” 😯

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

And of Tehran.

Above all, love God!