Can Do Nothing

A solution for losers -- and encouragement and assurance too.
Go in this thy might (Judges 6:14)

Ever feel like a loser?

No? Well, I have. (I never thought I would, but now I know different.)

So if you’ve ever thought of yourself as a loser, I understand well enough the discouragement and the sense of uselessness.

“I can’t do anything right!” Yeah, well, check this out: Read it all

I Hate Failure

“I. Hate. Failure.”

That’s how I planned to start my short devotional talk last Sunday evening before our monthly Moments in Missions.

Someone far closer to the front of the auditorium “captured” the podium before I took even one step into the auditorium! Chalk that one up to befuddled communication. 😆

So my talk will need to wait. But in the interest of trying to encourage you, let me give you the verses I thought to use. Read it all

Psalms — Just Pretty Wallpaper?

I used to make computer wallpaper using (generally-)scenic photography and personalized Psalms (and other Scripture verses).

I wanted to have a day’s outstanding verse fragment before me all day.

Alas, I still forgot to remember and focus on those Scriptures. 🙁

So this really resonates in my heart: Read it all

Above all, love God!