In the course of writing material for the Teacher Guide for an eighth grade Bible course, I’ve come to a lesson titled “Evil Will Lose.” It’s based on portions of 2 Thessalonians 1 & 2.
While researching through some of my previous writing on those chapters, I came to this:
I’m talking about pleasure sources that may be amoral or even moral for the most part but have unrighteousness scattered through them.
I know, I know. Life is life, and life has loads of unrighteousness through it.
But why must my “entertainment” present it?
To be more interesting and realistic.
Fine. My concern stands.
This is a strike against many of contemporary Christian novels.
I wrote that almost eight years ago, but it’s pertinent enough that I’m encouraging you to read the entire piece — My Pleasure.
I still stand there. Or do I need to see something differently?
What do you think of including detailed evil in order to make something real-to-life?