On My Heart to Talk About at Church

That which is most foundational and essential

Several weeks ago I was asked to speak this Sunday evening at our church. And I can talk about whatever I think I should talk about.

Mark looks at laundry machines

I have so many subjects and themes tumbling around in my head! But I’ve decided that more than anything else, I want to focus on that which is most foundational and essential. Perhaps I’ll tell you about it later.

Now for the list I compiled last week and the week before (so it’s bound to be incomplete). As you will see, I could be blogging for years to come. 😯 😀 Read it all

“James and Orpha, Come Home!”

Where we see an abrupt summons, God has seen a precious, long-scheduled event of glory.

At the vibrating buzz, I flipped open my cellphone…

James Smucker was killed

James Smucker was killed in an accident last night
and Orpha is in ICU. They were visiting Wisconsin.

I stared. Icy fingers squeezed my heart, bent my mind, twisted my emotions. How do you process a message like that? Rereading it carefully changed nothing.

My spirit reached out to the unerring Father, petitioning for His best for Orpha. He answered with exactly that. Read it all

Why Flavor Their Day So Poorly?

When your attitude and speech could give such good flavors!

We can flavor another’s day
By how we act and what we say.
So skip the sour and add some honey;
Embrace the Spirit of Christ to make the day Sonshiny.

picture reminding of the power of pleasant words
Pleasant words are sweet and health.
“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb,
sweet to the soul,
and health to the bones.”

Proverbs 16:21

Accept no substitutes!

Why leave others with a bad taste? It will go with you as well. Read it all

I Must Decrease

Jesus, Others, You -- a wonderful way to spell JOY

“I’ve been there and done that,” I think to myself. “I’ve done what he’s doing and been what he is.”

“I’ve been there and done that,” I think to myself.

But times change and needs change. As does standing. As do positions, assignments, and responsibilities. And when the time comes for me to give up long-held things like that, I want to remember again what John the Baptist said: “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).

I remembered it when I resigned as principal of “my” school.

I remembered it when I encouraged another friend to assume a calling that would diminish “my” role.

I hope I remember it when I’m replaced as chairman of the board I’ve “headed” for over 19 years. Read it all

Perfect Peace. Fixed Heart. Eternal Glory.

Thanks to the God of all grace.

an image about being called by Jesus to eternal gloryA few nights ago I read a series of Scripture selections that really blessed me.

I was going to post them at Panting Hart, hoping to bless and encourage others. (Like you, for instance!) But I discovered last night that I’ve already posted them twice there (in 2011 and 2013).

So, I decided to write this short little post here and link to Not Afraid of Evil Tidings and After You Have Suffered Awhile at Panting Hart.

Oh, and here are three pieces to whet your appetite. Read it all

Above all, love God!