God in Rags

Unwed mama, miracle son, step-father bonding, journey begun

Little town
country girl
born to carry
heaven’s pearl.

Visiting angel
shocking news
servant’s heart
much to muse.

Cruel rejection
whispers abound
baby bump
talk of town.

Parental pain
what is true?
fiance blamed
search for clues.

Country boy
madly in love
broken heart
betrayal because?

Sleepless nights
dying inside
countless tears
loss of bride. Read it all

How to Get Past the Baby Stuff at Christmas

Begin by imagining a different way of celebrating your own birthday...
Noreen Roth with first-born Mark

You probably already had your birthday this year. I did, but one of my life-long, faithful friends still hasn’t had his birthday. Imagine yours is yet to come.

To celebrate your birthday, we will hang up pictures of you in your crib — to show we know who this is all about, you know. Generally, though, we will disregard you in favor of other festive and seasonal activities. If anyone gets around to remembering you, it will be to reminisce about your birth and baby days. And gifts? We will give each other gifts we think we would enjoy. Maybe we will think to give you a baby rattle or a teddy bear. You would probably say “bah humbug” on birthdays, at least yours. Read it all

Lisa Miller — Self-Harm Risk and Flight Risk?

Some of those holding her seem(ed) to think so!
Unto you it is given...to suffer for his sake (Philippians 1:29)

Dear Brethren and Friends,

Greetings in the name of our Lord who controls all things. It has been an outside chilly 27°F here at Niagara County Jail; hence I’ve been passing on the one hour outside rec time. Outside recreation occurs in 3 partitioned-off blacktop areas (yards) topped with razor-sharp barbed wire. All the women who choose to take advantage of outside rec go out together but each unit plays in their own yard. I choose to walk round and round the yard with ear buds in listening to sermons or music while others prefer to shoot the hoop or socialize with others through the chain link fence. When I pass on rec I usually can be found writing letters on my bunk. Thank you all who write me. I am blessed beyond measure!

Speaking of your letters, they have created quite a stir here. =) Tonight, I was called out of the dorm to supposedly speak to a C.O. [corrections officer].Read it all

Lisa Miller Surrenders Into US Custody

After more than a decade in hiding, Lisa Miller turned herself in.

Today, January 18, 2021, I am voluntarily surrendering myself to the U.S. Authorities by walking into the U.S. Embassy in Nicaragua.

Lisa Miller’s plan was thwarted by a holiday. She and Isabella (and a friend) arrived at the American Embassy in Managua only to learn it was closed due to Martin Luther King Jr Day.

They returned the next day and followed through with their plan.

Lisa and Isabella Miller

The officials at the embassy just couldn’t see why she would turn herself in! “Why are you here?” they asked. “Why do you do this?” 🙂

This past Wednesday (January 27), Lisa finally returned to the US after leaving the country in 2009. (For more details about her case, see two links I’ve included at the end of this post.) What happens to her now in the American justice system remains to be seen. Read it all

Antidote for Turmoil, Fear, and Unrest

Just what many of us need in the wake of the 2020 US Presidential election

Three days have passed since America’s Presidential election of 2020. Even now, not all ballots have been counted yet. Others have been counted at least twice. And probably hundreds of thousands have been counted that shouldn’t count toward any official tally.

At this stage, only God knows who will be the next President of the United States. And only God knows why He has chosen that man and for what purposes. Of this we can be sure: God’s will shall certainly be accomplished. The man He has chosen in absolute righteousness will be the next United States President.

I remember the Bush-Gore election Florida mess of 2000. Gore’s litigation dragged on for over a month before the US Supreme Court stepped in and essentially forced the whole thing to end. And finally Bush was certified the winner.

Over a month and in only one state, folks! And what is happening now is on a far greater scale than that. So…we shall see. Meanwhile, here are some excerpts from a piece I wrote on November 12 of that year: Read it all

Faith Builders Virtual Choir: Still With Thee

A classic hymn, beautifully sung in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic

Because of the restrictions levied in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Faith Builders Educational Programs had to cancel their choir tour (among many other things). Our son Andrew is a student there. He had the idea of assembling a virtual choir to sing a song to present to their director as a surprise.

He had plenty of fellow students contribute their voices to the effort. He spent dozens of hours bringing all their audio and video together. The result is beautiful! Thank you, Andrew and crew. 🙂 Read it all

I Am Now Done With Covid-19

Coronavirus and the virus of fear right inside us

I am now done with Covid-19.
The news and the models are not what they seem,
The frenzy, the hype, the expert decree,
Do not synchronize with re-a-li-ty!

The sky is not falling, no war-planes above,
The children are wond’ring why all the hubbub,
This thing has a name – and it’s not a virus,
It is called fear – and it’s right inside us! Read it all

Above all, love God!