Why God Sent His Son

God said He sent His Son that we might live, to be the solution for our sins, and that He might adopt us. Why else?

God sent His Son into the world…

  • “that we might live through him” (1 John 4:9).
  • “to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10).
  • “that we might receive the adoption of sons” (Galatians 4:4-5).

If you know another reason, please state it below.

Looking at a Towering Stack of Failure?

If you are, may I entice you with hope in the midst of failure, defeat, and discouragement? All things are possible with Christ! He is the God of all hope.

I just read From this day forward by Andrée Seu Peterson. Wow!

Before giving you the link to her article, some excerpts to entice you with hope in the midst of failure, defeat, and discouragement:

He has given me a husband who lost 30 years in addiction and 12 years in prison and who assures me constantly it’s not too late because God will use every bit of it for our good, our children’s good, and His glory, and will restore all the years that the locusts have eaten.

Read it all

Looking Down on American Politics

Erick Erickson has an amazing piece at Red State.

Though I disagree with his closing line as applied to Christians — “Now go vote! The future of the nation is at stake!!!!” — and though I wish he wouldn’t engage in partisan commentary for an article such as this, I still find much which I can affirm.

So I’ve excerpted most of what’s particularly outstanding to me. Read it all

Presumption: “Behold, I Thought”

Naaman was mad. Very angry, in fact.

It’s no wonder. He had a huge, monstrous, humanly-insurmountable need.

He had come a long way for a solution. And a divine solution at that. He’d had plenty of time to develop a certain scenario, a specific sequence of events that should transpire.

In other words, he had his own idea on how things were going to happen Read it all

Above all, love God!