Ken Miller Sentencing Day

What will Judge Sessions say to Ken Miller . . . and about him?

Today is the day Kenneth Miller is to be sentenced.

For what again?

When he stands before Judge Sessions in about four hours, he will be there as one who before God committed no crime. (Yes, I know; that’s my opinion.)

Though I am extremely interested in knowing what sentence Judge Sessions will impose, I am even more interested in knowing what he will have to say about Ken and to him.

I was going to post this yesterday morning, but computer matters and church responsibilities prevented me from doing so. I was free again last night, but by then I was undisposed. 🙂 So, in case you haven’t seen this story elsewhere, here you go… Read it all

Ken Miller Moved to Different Jail

Moving Ken to another jail, while troubling at certain levels, will open up a new sphere of witness and influence for him.

So he was moved from “his” Vermont jail to one in New York.

Is the judge trying to break his resolve by moving him further away from family and friends? Perhaps.

Maybe the judge is hoping that Ken will end up with cellmates who are less supportive.

Who knows.

But I know this: God’s hand is in it. And moving Ken to another jail, while troubling at certain levels, will open up a new sphere of witness and influence for him.

May God continue to sustain Ken and his family.

And may God bless Judge Sessions, the US Attorneys, the US Marshals, the jailers, and any other individuals on the “opposite” side from Ken.

Now, about Ken… I’ve been receiving emails through the day so far. I’ll just post snippets from various sources with no attribution. These are posted in the order in which I received them. Read it all

Ken Miller Goes to Jail for a Week

Judge Sessions is being faithful to his calling in one kingdom. Kenneth Miller is being faithful to his calling in another kingdom. May God bless them both.

So Ken Miller goes to jail for not answering all of the grand jury’s questions.

Judge Sessions is being faithful to his calling in one kingdom.

Kenneth Miller is being faithful to his calling in another kingdom.

May God bless them both.

Now, for some excerpts from the story: Read it all

Janet Jenkins Sues Christian Aid Ministries

Last year I was dismayed and alarmed when I learned that the name Christian Aid Ministries had to be drug into the mud of this case. (See: USA vs Timothy David Miller)

Yesterday that concern was validated with news that Janet Jenkins’ civil lawsuit against Kenneth Miller was also directed against CAM (and others). Read it all

Above all, love God!