Fenbendazole Kills Parasites — Will It Destroy Cancer?

"Ivermectin is good, but I like fenbendazole better."

A couple of my former high school students and their family were visiting our congregation the last weekend in April for our annual Bible Conference. They had heard of my cancer, so after one of the Saturday services, she (SS) told my wife (Ruby, in case you didn’t know) about an antiparasitic that shows promise as a cancer treatment.

I work for a New York small business that provides email services and Web work services for those who do not have Internet access. Well, the following Wednesday, I saw a project in our work queue that I took on since it was about cancer. The customer wanted information on the Joe Tippens protocol for cancer and he wanted to know about buying the Merck brand of fenbendazole. It wasn’t hard to find the info for him (and it only cost him $18). When I told Ruby the drug name, she reminded me excitedly that it was the same stuff SS had told her about. (I had forgotten the name fenbendazole already.)

At least four of my acquaintances across the country are MDs. The next day (May 4, you should know) I finally remembered to ask one of them a question I’d been wanting to ask a real doctor for a few weeks: “What do you think of ivermectin as a cancer treatment?” He replied that ivermectin is good but he likes fenbendazole better. I hadn’t ever mentioned fenbendazole to him! (I should ask my other MD acquaintances the question now!)

Cancer-killing canine deworker?
Where is this? What is it? IDK, but I like the picture!

So there you are. In the space of…what…five days, three different people from three different parts of the country brought fenbendazole to my attention. And none of them know each other. Coincidental? Perhaps. But I prefer to think otherwise.

OK, one more event. On May 19 I got an unexpected email from a nice, gray-haired grandma. Read it all

Greetings from Coronavirus a la Oregon

Woodburn ranks #2 for covid-19 infection rate in Oregon.

We, being freshly reminted Woodburners of a sound mind, hail you from almost-coronvirus-central here in Oregon.

“Almost” only because Gervais just south of us ranks as #1 for covid-19 infections in Oregon. We have to settle for #2. It’s OK. We can deal with not being top dog.

Oregon coronavirus by zip code: Woodburn #2 Read it all

COVID-19: Hooked by Numbers and Death Projections

If you think getting hooked is a good thing, ask a fish or a drug addict or a prostitute

It has been several days since I last looked at the coronavirus world map put up by the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Here’s the screen capture I took at 7:07 this morning (here in Oregon, USA).

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus map early on 29 March 2020
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus map early on 29 March 2020

I do not for a bit believe those numbers out of China and Iran. Come on, folks, really? Especially those China figures. Right. Since when do totalitarian regimes dispense negative information freely, transparently, and fully? Read it all

How to Eliminate Coronavirus Hype

A straightforward solution whose principles are already kicking into gear globally...
How to Eliminate Coronavirus Hype

No, not how to eliminate the virus. Like all viruses, it will just have to run its course.

This is about how to lower the hype to normal-flu levels. Zero pretty much. Eliminate, in other words.

Israel and Italy are under full-blown quarantine, right?

Air travel is curbed, right?

Public assemblies are being canceled, right?

Even (some/the) Democrats are calling for canceling further campaigning, right?

To eliminate the coronavirus hype, to brush COVID-19 right out of the news… Read it all

Above all, love God!