Headlines: March 7, 2012

In my scope today. No, I didn’t read all of the stories all the way through.

Disclaimer, Jr: The story featuring President Obama isn’t to bash him, but to call attention to Israel’s peril.

Disclaimer III: The two non-linked headlines are thus because I think some of the marginal stories and photos are not necessary for me to link to, even indirectly. Read it all

Had You Heard?

Tests show bagged greens in Oregon, elsewhere have bacteria

Obama used National Prayer Breakfast to attack anti-sodomy laws for Uganda

Al Qaeda poised to try major attack in United States within 3-6 months, intelligence chiefs warn

UN calls for treaty to prevent cyber war

Obama Administration Admits It Wrongly Tracked Abortion Groups in Wisconsin

US says it may kill Americans abroad

Religious attire mirrors tenets of faith

June Bontrager, Porter Mennonite Church

Headline Archive

November 24, 2009

headlines as they appeared shortly after 9:30 pm Pacific Time

CNS News

Top Catholic Cardinal Says ‘No Way’ Catholic Members of Congress Can Support Senate Health Care Bill That Funds Abortion

United Nations Says HIV Outbreak Peaked in 1996

Economyโ€™s Slow Rebound Not Strong Enough to Boost Employment, Economists Say

As Obama Pushes Health Care Bill, His Job Approval Drops to 48 Percent, Says Gallup Poll

Philippines Declares Emergency After 46 Killed in Political Violence

Read it all


I just saw that word in three headlines over at Drudge:

White House Warns Critics: Should Be ‘exceedingly careful’…

China warns Fed over ‘printing money’…

COLUMBUS SCARE: Police chief warns of deep cuts without tax increase…

So I got to wondering it what other headlines it was appearing today:

Poverty, chaos threaten Haiti, UN envoy warns

Former NHL star Primeau warns of concussion risks

Clinton warns N. Korea against belligerent actions

Ahead of the Bell: Analyst warns of crude supply

FDA Warns Several Web Sites For Selling Swine Flu Products

Iran’s Ahmadinejad warns rivals against ‘insults’

Restaurant warns : Endangered fish on menu

Abbas warns peace talks will stop if settlements continue

NKorea warns of attack after SKorea joins drill

Laker coach Phil Jackson warns the NBA will ‘come back and hammer you’

Korea warns of attack if ships held

Report Warns Air Traffic Control System Vulnerable to Cyber Terrorism

North Korea cancels ceasefire and warns of military attack

Secret Agent Warns of Speed Cameras

OK. You get the picture.

Sleep well.

And beware! ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

Morning News Lines

Sixteen people banned from entering the UK are “named and shamed” by the Home Office Ya s’pose Michael Savage is feeling shamed?! ๐Ÿ™„

On May 5, Mexican dominance irks other Latinos Is this about Mexican imperialism? ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

Michiganians mine bodies for cash to make ends meet The worn-out pro-death line ought to work for these folks also: “It’s my body!”

Emanuel: Thwarting Iran easier with Israeli-Palestinian talks Israel, beware! ๐Ÿ™

What’s your choice for news line this morning?

Above all, love God!