Woodburn, Oregon: Black Friday

Thank a law enforcement officer or another first responder...

Updated on Sunday, December 14, 2008 Please scroll to the end for the update.

Though I no longer live there (I don’t live in any town, for that matter), I still think of Woodburn as my home town (although Molalla is closer by four miles or so). Thus, last evening’s events seem particularly close to home.

From The Woodburn Independent:

According to the Oregon State Police a bomb detonated around 5:45 p.m. Friday evening at West Coast Bank, located at 2520 Newberg Hwy. in Woodburn.

The Woodburn Independent has learned through various sources that a Woodburn police officer has been killed and Woodburn Police Chief Scott Russell was seriously injured in the bomb blast.

Newer info from The Oregonian:

A bomb exploded Friday at a West Coast Bank branch in Woodburn, killing a Woodburn police officer and an Oregon State Police bomb squad technician, and critically injuring the Woodburn police chief.

The bomb detonated around 5:30 p.m. at the bank in the 2500 block of Oregon 214.

Oregon State Police authorities this morning confirmed the death of its bomb technician. Authorities have not released the names of the officers.

I wonder if the dead Woodburn officer is one of those I have thanked for his service. I’ll try to remember to thank law enforcement folks more often.

To all law enforcement personnel, thanks for your service! Likewise to all other first responders.

And may God be especially near those who have lost a loved one, a friend, a comrade.

And may He grant whole-being healing to the injured.

Original post date (for the above): December 13 at 7:58 am Pacific


The Oregon State Police released biographical information for Sr. Trooper William “Bill” Hakim and Woodburn Police Capt. Tom Tennant, who both died in a bomb explosion at West Coast Bank in Woodburn Friday, and Woodburn Police Chief Scott Russell, who is in critical condition at OHSU Hospital.

What I’m interested in here isn’t each one’s bio, but his family.

Oregon State Senior Trooper William “Bill” Hakim (51) is survived by his wife and a 16-year old son and 18-year old daughter. (It had been over seven years since an Oregon State trooper died in the line of duty.)

Woodburn Police Captain Tom Tennant (51) is survived by his wife Mary and three children (Becky, Jennifer, Scott) 24, 22, and 17.

Woodburn Police Chief Scott Russell (46) is married and has two daughters, ages 12 and 10.

Oregon State Police: Senior Trooper William 'Bill' Hakim: Killed in the line of duty in a bomb explosion in Woodburn (Oregon) the evening of Friday, December 12, 2008       Woodburn Police Department: Captain Tom Tennant: Killed in the line of duty in a bomb explosion in Woodburn (Oregon) the evening of Friday, December 12, 2008

Update source: The Oregonian

I’m Not a Winner

At least not when it comes to this kind of stuff:

I'm not a winner...

...at least when it comes to these things!

But since I’m in an adventurous, adventuresome mode, me thinks ah’ll give it a twirl tomorrow. 🙄

Meanwhile, I’m thankful to be cynical about these things.

So much so, that the last time I tried out one of these keys must have been 20-25 years ago.

Skepticism and cynicism generally aren’t good traits to have and nurture. Generally. Surely this kind of stuff is an exception to the general rule.


What Happened to Ain’t Complicated?

So this blog disappeared completely off the Web.


Some hacker deleted it for me.

Thankfully, I just got done reinstalling and restoring it.

I’m so grateful the database was out of the hacker’s reach.

Now I need to restore a bunch of other stuff til I get it back to what it was.

If you have a blog powered by WordPress, be sure to upgrade to 2.6.5!!

Inspirational Texting

Today, among things for which I’m thankful, is this:

Audio Bible Sent Via Text Message

In the U.S. alone, people send around 530 million text messages every single day.

Faith Comes By Hearing, the world’s foremost Audio Bible ministry, is now using text messaging to deliver God’s Word in audio.

By texting “BIBLE” to 80672, people can have the encouraging Word of God sent directly to their mobile phone. Once subscribed, people will receive a chapter a day of the Audio Drama Bible. In less than a year, people can listen through the entire New Testament.

I haven’t tried it yet, but it seems like a great idea.

Ten Cents!

As I passed the 76 station at Blackman’s Corner on my way into the Molalla Post Office yesterday morning, I noticed the price for a gallon of regular gasoline: $1.899.

Wonderful! It seems like not so long ago they were over $4.20 a gallon.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

On my way home about twenty minutes later I passed the same station.



Above all, love God!