He Could Attend, Take a Knee, and Raise His Fists

And pull a rabbit out of his coat's inner pocket.

He could time it to happen during the national anthem or the inaugural address or hail to the chief or the swearing in.

And instead of that rabbit, it could be a certain red piece of head gear to plunk on his head. Or a certain blue flag to wave gently. Or both. Or all three, with the rabbit as a “welcome to the office” gift to Mr. Biden — a nice way to wish living good luck, quadrupled. 😯 🙄

That makes staying away look like a plus.

I just thought some perspective might help. 😀

Seriously, though, I urge Read it all

What WordPress Lost for Me, It Found!

My "Quick Draft" simply vanished!

Last week I wrote a Quick Draft of an idea for a blog post on my ebooks blog. But it vanished without a trace when I clicked Save Draft the first time! 🙁

After searching for it high and low, I gave it up as a loss to a program quirk. It wasn’t much and I didn’t figure it would take me long to reconstruct it. Sometime. 🙄

Well, this evening I saw that WordPress 6.8.3 had been released. I checked to see what it was about and learned…

The “Quick Draft” tool on the dashboard screen was broken in the 3.8.2 update. If you tried to use it, your draft would disappear and it wouldn’t save.

Sooo…that’s what my “misfortune” had been about! I was glad to see the problem had been discovered and fixed.

But I was very impressed by this: Read it all

Above all, love God!