Starting Healthy

Mark's early-morning consumings and some of their health benefits -- green tea, enzymes, multi-vitamins, cayenne pepper, and so forth.

I launched my day in a fashion good for my health:

  • Invested time praying for my family and me.
  • Read this morning’s Scripture selections from Daily Light on the Daily Path. (And highlighted one verse at Panting Hart.)
  • Gingerly ate half a banana (too green yet to eat a whole half).
  • Sipped (happily) two cups of Nescafé Clásico.
  • Slurped (less enjoyably) one cup of Blueberry Breeze Green Tea. I’ve told you before about the benefits of green tea (but you have to drink it, OK?).
  • Chomped down three Papaya Enzymes tablets. They taste good and when I consume them faithfully I don’t need Tums or Rolaids like before.
  • Shook cayenne pepper onto the fried egg I ate.
  • Ate slice of homemade bread. Toasted. Under fried egg, in lieu of plate. (Yes, I ate the lieu too.)
  • Swallowed two Vitamin Code 50 & Wiser Men. (I suppose that’s what the cannibal said too.) 😯

Read it all

Busting Hunger With Bananas

Ever grab a snack but then feel hungry again 20 minutes later? Next time, reach for a banana. It’s loaded with Resistant Starch RS, a healthy carb that fills you up and helps to boost your metabolism. Slightly underripe medium-sized bananas have 12.5 grams of RS—more than most other foods. Ripe bananas give you 4.7 grams of RS, still enough to keep hunger pangs away.

Source: Bananas: The ultimate hunger buster

How Long Til Breakfast?

And will those things end up in my breakfast?

I didn’t quite spoon-feed our hens this morning. (Well, Friday morning. I didn’t finish this project then!)

But I did pick out — one at a time and by hand — some special feed for them.

Problem is, one hen pigged out.

Chickens are that way.

No consideration for their fellow fowl.

But I got sidetracked.

The special feed is high protein. And free for the picking. And slippery. And wriggly.

Personally, I don’t care for it. But some of our chickens love it!


And that got me to wondering — how long til those worms that hen ate end up in my breakfast eggs?

Not that I mind. I can eat worms that have been thus processed by chickens.

(No photos this time. But maybe next…)

Above all, love God!