Lena (Wagler) Yoder Was Born Today

103 years ago! (She died 26 years ago, though.)
Lena (Wagler) Yoder hold Ruby Pearl Yoder (later to become my wife)

My mother-in-law Lena (Wagler) Yoder was born in 1918 — 103 years ago! She died in 1995, less than a week before her 77th birthday. Now she is where they count not time by years.

When we got word that she had died, I was part way through an “Applications for Youth” page for the youth Sunday School quarterly published by Christian Light Publications. Here is how I wrapped up that particular page: Read it all

We Now Have Ten Children!

How a brand-new father-in-law walked out on thin ice to interrupt a wedding reception
four hours or so after Drew and Anne's wedding

Our son Drew gave us the opportunity to be among the invited speakers at their wedding reception. He acknowledged knowing that I’m not a fan of open mic, but wanted me to say something anyway. Well, what’s a Dad to say but, “OK”? 😀

I drew up a fine list of potential things to say weeks ago. And put the matter out of my mind pending further review on the way to the wedding in Pennsylvania. Due to a series of factors, the review never happened. But I knew I could take my computer with me to the reception and do my memory refreshing before the wedding (or whatever I thought).

The wedding day came and I, forgetting that important detail, decided not to take my computer to the wedding site. When that unfortunate detail dawned on me, I found myself 30-40 minutes distant from my computer! And I could remember nothing of my notes except the two things most important to me. Good enough.

And from there sprouted what I will call the keenest disappointment for me of the whole trip. Read it all

Singer Featherweight Sewing Machine

It belonged to my Grandma Roth; I inherited it from Aunt Rosie.

This Singer Featherweight 221 sewing machine belonged to my Grandma Roth. It seems like I inherited it four years ago from my Aunt Rosana Roth. (That’s a funny way to put it, I know.) My wife Ruby Roth tested it a little bit and said it works wonderfully. She’d like to keep it to use. I’d like to keep it because it belonged to my Grandma (and because Ruby would like to keep it). And certain stuff that’s older than I am also appeals to me. 😀 Read it all

“A Father, Huh?”

How to gain a right concept of God when fathers fail
how to get an accurate picture of God as Father

“Do you know my Dad?”

  • “He abandoned us!”
  • “He is ill-tempered and abusive!”
  • “I was conceived out of wedlock; I am a child of sin.”
  • “He is too busy for us.”
  • “He is so immature it’s mortifying.”
  • “He is a loser.”

“I get no warm fuzzies at the thought of fathers. Why should I about God? In fact, how is my Dad not a message from God to me . . . about me?”Read it all

Aunt Rosie Tribute

A nephew's expanding tribute...

Scroll to the end for this update: Sunday morning, May 14.

First, the obituary for Rosana Roth as found in the funeral bulletin…

“The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7:34).

Rosana Mae Roth was born on November 11, 1931, in Upland, California. She was the second of the seven children of Jacob and Mary (Buckwalter) Roth. She and her older sister Lois graduated from high school in 1950 with the rest of Western Mennonite School’s first graduating class.

Never married, Rosana cared for the things of the Lord. She was a school teacher in the States for a total of eleven years in three communities: Deep Creek, Virginia; Elida, Ohio; and Harrisburg, Oregon. She went on to serve about three decades as a missionary and teacher in Mexico and Puerto Rico. Read it all

Above all, love God!