Can Do Nothing

A solution for losers -- and encouragement and assurance too.
Go in this thy might (Judges 6:14)

Ever feel like a loser?

No? Well, I have. (I never thought I would, but now I know different.)

So if you’ve ever thought of yourself as a loser, I understand well enough the discouragement and the sense of uselessness.

“I can’t do anything right!” Yeah, well, check this out: Read it all

I Hate Failure

“I. Hate. Failure.”

That’s how I planned to start my short devotional talk last Sunday evening before our monthly Moments in Missions.

Someone far closer to the front of the auditorium “captured” the podium before I took even one step into the auditorium! Chalk that one up to befuddled communication. 😆

So my talk will need to wait. But in the interest of trying to encourage you, let me give you the verses I thought to use. Read it all

Sunshine Dad

I’m indebted to Emily Smucker for today’s unexpected food for thought.

A photo-posting error on her part triggered this reminder for me:

At times I must be a source of sunshine for my children.

If I purposed to be that more often, what effect would it have on their dark times?

And what would it do for my own dreary times? Read it all

Above all, love God!