How to Write a Hard Letter

Tips and illustrations for composing a difficult email, SMS, blog, tweet, or status update...

The current issue of World magazine arrived in our mail today. I looked at the photos on the table of contents page, matching them up to their articles. Then I looked at the two-page spread with photos and quotes and stuff. Then I looked at the two articles in the back.

The last article didn’t interest me enough to read it. (Sorry, Marvin!)

But the next-to-the-last article (yes, I’m a Seu fan, I confess), I read. Until I got to this line: Read it all

New at Panting Hart

A resumption of observations from my personal Bible reading

Last month I decided I would try restarting Panting Hart.

Well, not really restarting it, but refreshing it with new content by getting back to my original plan for that devotional blog.

I started this morning. Now I’m not so sure it’s a good idea. It’s all so time consuming! So I don’t know if I’ll do it again tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I invite you over to read what I posted this morning from my reading in 2 Peter 1:1-4 Read it all

Why Flavor Their Day So Poorly?

When your attitude and speech could give such good flavors!

We can flavor another’s day
By how we act and what we say.
So skip the sour and add some honey;
Embrace the Spirit of Christ to make the day Sonshiny.

picture reminding of the power of pleasant words
Pleasant words are sweet and health.
“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb,
sweet to the soul,
and health to the bones.”

Proverbs 16:21

Accept no substitutes!

Why leave others with a bad taste? It will go with you as well. Read it all

Perfect Peace. Fixed Heart. Eternal Glory.

Thanks to the God of all grace.

an image about being called by Jesus to eternal gloryA few nights ago I read a series of Scripture selections that really blessed me.

I was going to post them at Panting Hart, hoping to bless and encourage others. (Like you, for instance!) But I discovered last night that I’ve already posted them twice there (in 2011 and 2013).

So, I decided to write this short little post here and link to Not Afraid of Evil Tidings and After You Have Suffered Awhile at Panting Hart.

Oh, and here are three pieces to whet your appetite. Read it all

For Aching Hearts in the Cold Night

My heart still aches, Father; night is not past;
But in the cold and in the void I hear Your voice at last:
Is there any way that you could trust My love,
My life in you, My promise from above,
That joy comes in the morning, that beauty comes from pain?
Can you hold on one moment longer? Is there any way?

Read it all

Above all, love God!