OK, Pull Up Your Keyboard and Let’s Write a Smashing Craigslist Ad

Read and learn -- and contribute to its improvement...

Google will show you plenty of theories and pointers for writing the perfect Craigslist ad. And Amazon has a few books on the subject as well (for instance, Make Money Posting Ads on Craigslist).

But I’m going to show you a real live unique Craigslist ad-in-the-making. I hope to list it there within 24 hours (just in time to sell the car this weekend, you know).

The rest of this post is The Ad itself. Read it. Study it. Learn from it. And Read it all

Blue Host Not for Me

Wherein Mark Roth quizzes Blue Host and decides against Web hosting with them. Their TOS for image use is unrealistically stringent. I'm disappointed.

I’ve heard so many good things about Blue Host that I finally decided I would switch my domains and sites to them.

Several weeks ago I started the registration process to open an account. I got to the end of one form and there sat the empty checkbox in front of a statement saying I’d read and accept their various terms of service.

I hadn’t.

So I put the process on hold and started wading through their long TOS. So many convoluted sentences to struggle through! I took days at it because too much of that kind of tedious, complicated reading at one time is just too much at one time.

Eventually I came to this:

Subscribers may not post or disclose any personal or private information about or images of children or any third party without the consent of said party or a parent’s consent in the case of a minor.

Read it all

Seven Things I’ve Learned Selling on eBay

An eBay learner's learnings while attempting to sell books, compasses, plates, Tupperware, and Fenton. :-)

The Web is awash with hints and tips for eBay sellers. And delightfully effective (power seller) secrets. Let’s not forget those.

I have my own Greenhorn’s eBay Seller’s Tricks, cooked in the boiling, bubbling cauldron that’s eBay. So let me scoop out a few ladles of it for you…

1 Reward Prospective Bidders With a Good Offer — That’s right, reward. Why should anyone want to bother being the first bidder on your item? So entice someone to bid first — make your entry-level bid Read it all

Above all, love God!