We arrived at court about 9:00 this morning in time to hear the opening statements from the prosecution and the defense. Throughout the day the prosecution brought 5 witnesses which gave testimony. Read it all
A Facebook Trayvon Discussion
OK, I don’t want to get hung up on the Trayvon Martin case. However, I thought posting a series of comments from my Facebook Wall would help clarify what I was getting at as well give a little “equal time” to an alternate perspective.
Yesterday evening I posted a link to my Why Trayvon Martin? post and this developed: Read it all
Why Trayvon Martin?
Why the focus on Trayvon Martin?
Scores of people donned “I am Trayvon Martin” apparel.
The President of the United States claimed Trayvon’s looks for the son he doesn’t have.
Protests and beatings have been “arranged” in Trayvon’s name. Read it all
They Want Justice
You know who they are.
Maybe you’re one of them.
I want justice, too — real justice, not a contrived substitute.
A rush to judgment is a contrived substitute.
Here’s something I posted on Facebook early this morning: Read it all
Who Will Minister to the Faithful?
Who will indeed.
Will it be one of their own?
Will it be one of their own choosing?
Or may it be one imposed on them by some religious or political cartel?
I confess amazement at the Supreme Court’s decision yesterday: Read it all
Kenneth Miller Case Site
Last night I wondered (within myself) if a special site would be launched for Ken Miller as was for Timo Miller.
This morning I received an email giving me the heads-up about the imminent launch of such a site.Read it all
Timothy Miller, Unexpectedly Free!
I still haven’t found any reference to this in any secular news source.
Nevertheless, the news section of the Timothy Miller Support Network site has finally been updated with the news:Read it all