Signs of the End, Warnings, and Encouragement

Wars, revolutions, Covid-19, earthquakes, UFOs, false christs, aliens, famines, apostasy, fear, instability, tribulation, deception, mandates, tyranny, oppression, cultural collapse, spiritual darkness, hopelessness -- watch and be ready. Shine as lights in the world!
When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)

June 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending; who is, was, and is to come, the Almighty.

The Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart to write to you concerning the lateness of the hour, the signs of the end of the age, and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also have four warnings the Lord has given me, and some words of encouragement. Read it all

Covid-19 Pandemic: We Face Far More Than a Virus!

Jon Kropf warns about deception, coronavirus, vaccines, truth, and end times.
Question human-sourced information!

Jon Kropf wrote a piece earlier this year which he titled “We Are Facing More Than a Virus.” I don’t know when he wrote it — I received it the evening of March 6, 2021. After securing Jon’s permission, I published it online the next day.

I’m using this post here at Ain’t Complicated to highlight some chunks from his lengthy article. I link to the article itself at the end of this post. I urge you to read it.

Question human-sourced information!

I am asking myself the question, “Should I accept a coronavirus vaccine if it is offered to me? What if it is made obligatory by the government?” We have been praying about this. It has been a prayer request on Wednesday evenings. Maybe it seems odd that I would open this discussion about deception with, the garden of Eden and a coronavirus vaccine. Many of you know I work in healthcare. I do not present this as an expert voice. Let me explain that I know very little about vaccines and have not done extensive research on this subject. In short, my understanding of the science behind the 2020 events and the various vaccines is minimal. To be honest with you, I don’t really know who I can trust to tell me the truth in medical journals or on media sites.

Read it all

Covid-19, the Governor, the Church, and Me

Have I changed my stand by now?
Stand fast in the Lord (Philippians 4:1)

For several weeks I’ve been wanting to update you on where I stand regarding governor mandates that affect church services in this Covid-19 era.

Before I tell you, though, I want you to know that early on (say mid-Spring 2020) I suspected the pandemic was being used for political advantage as well as for experimental authoritarian measures. Then I came to be suspicious of the “timeliness” of the foreign connections of the virus. And I was sure some of the governmental measures being taken were not at all on solid Constitutional grounds. Call me a conspiracy kook if you want, but I am persuaded of such things by now.

Even so — and here is the update in a nut’s shell, folks — Read it all

Faith Builders Virtual Choir: Still With Thee

A classic hymn, beautifully sung in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic

Because of the restrictions levied in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Faith Builders Educational Programs had to cancel their choir tour (among many other things). Our son Andrew is a student there. He had the idea of assembling a virtual choir to sing a song to present to their director as a surprise.

He had plenty of fellow students contribute their voices to the effort. He spent dozens of hours bringing all their audio and video together. The result is beautiful! Thank you, Andrew and crew. πŸ™‚ Read it all

Greetings from Coronavirus a la Oregon

Woodburn ranks #2 for covid-19 infection rate in Oregon.

We, being freshly reminted Woodburners of a sound mind, hail you from almost-coronvirus-central here in Oregon.

“Almost” only because Gervais just south of us ranks as #1 for covid-19 infections in Oregon. We have to settle for #2. It’s OK. We can deal with not being top dog.

Oregon coronavirus by zip code: Woodburn #2 Read it all

I Am Now Done With Covid-19

Coronavirus and the virus of fear right inside us

I am now done with Covid-19.
The news and the models are not what they seem,
The frenzy, the hype, the expert decree,
Do not synchronize with re-a-li-ty!

The sky is not falling, no war-planes above,
The children are wond’ring why all the hubbub,
This thing has a name – and it’s not a virus,
It is called fear – and it’s right inside us! Read it all

Above all, love God!