Entitlement That Leads to Bitterness

"I deserve better" will make me bitter.
He that doeth these things shall never be moved.

Tuesday after supper, Ruby and I were chatting about feeling entitled and deserving — an at-home follow-up to the pastor’s theme Sunday morning. She had raised the subject, wondering what I would say on the subject of entitlement.

Then later in the evening as I did the second of my twice daily ear-diaper changes, I got to thinking about the subject of bitterness since it comes up in today’s printed text (for our adult Sunday School lesson).

I thought about things that provoke in me a rising of bitterness. It easily happens when… Read it all

God in Rags

Unwed mama, miracle son, step-father bonding, journey begun

Little town
country girl
born to carry
heaven’s pearl.

Visiting angel
shocking news
servant’s heart
much to muse.

Cruel rejection
whispers abound
baby bump
talk of town.

Parental pain
what is true?
fiance blamed
search for clues.

Country boy
madly in love
broken heart
betrayal because?

Sleepless nights
dying inside
countless tears
loss of bride. Read it all

How to Get Past the Baby Stuff at Christmas

Begin by imagining a different way of celebrating your own birthday...
Noreen Roth with first-born Mark

You probably already had your birthday this year. I did, but one of my life-long, faithful friends still hasn’t had his birthday. Imagine yours is yet to come.

To celebrate your birthday, we will hang up pictures of you in your crib — to show we know who this is all about, you know. Generally, though, we will disregard you in favor of other festive and seasonal activities. If anyone gets around to remembering you, it will be to reminisce about your birth and baby days. And gifts? We will give each other gifts we think we would enjoy. Maybe we will think to give you a baby rattle or a teddy bear. You would probably say “bah humbug” on birthdays, at least yours. Read it all

Signs of the End, Warnings, and Encouragement

Wars, revolutions, Covid-19, earthquakes, UFOs, false christs, aliens, famines, apostasy, fear, instability, tribulation, deception, mandates, tyranny, oppression, cultural collapse, spiritual darkness, hopelessness -- watch and be ready. Shine as lights in the world!
When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)

June 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending; who is, was, and is to come, the Almighty.

The Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart to write to you concerning the lateness of the hour, the signs of the end of the age, and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also have four warnings the Lord has given me, and some words of encouragement. Read it all

Covid-19, the Governor, the Church, and Me

Have I changed my stand by now?
Stand fast in the Lord (Philippians 4:1)

For several weeks I’ve been wanting to update you on where I stand regarding governor mandates that affect church services in this Covid-19 era.

Before I tell you, though, I want you to know that early on (say mid-Spring 2020) I suspected the pandemic was being used for political advantage as well as for experimental authoritarian measures. Then I came to be suspicious of the “timeliness” of the foreign connections of the virus. And I was sure some of the governmental measures being taken were not at all on solid Constitutional grounds. Call me a conspiracy kook if you want, but I am persuaded of such things by now.

Even so — and here is the update in a nut’s shell, folks — Read it all

Lisa Miller: Why I Think She Was Right to Surrender

Wherein I give possible good reasons for supporting her decision
Pray for Lisa Miller

The evening January 29, 2021 — having first secured permission to do so — I broke this story into the public Web: Lisa Miller Surrenders Into US Custody.

I included this:

I believe Lisa did the right thing to protect her daughter Isabella in the course of the last eleven years or so. I also believe she did the right thing in surrendering now that Isabella is of age. I commend her for that.

Before long, I was asked via Facebook as well as private email why I think it was the right thing for her to do.

Before I answer the question, I present to you a principle and a warning from Someone far wiser and experienced than I: Read it all

Above all, love God!