How to Prepare to Share a Bible Lesson

Ideas, tips, and clues for teaching from the Bible

I am to speak on that subject at our congregation this coming Sunday evening. I intend my presentation to be practical help for Sunday School teachers and Vacation Bible School teachers, for school teachers, and for other public speakers at church events. I hope it has its inspirational moments for the other listeners as well. 🙂

I don’t know if I have 20 minutes or 40 — I think I’ll find out Sunday morning. That gives me the afternoon to adjust my notes accordingly.

Monday evening I started jotting down random notes, here’s what I have so far: Read it all

Netanyahu’s Bible Study

If the man is a Christian or interested in becoming one, I can understand a Bible study.

Otherwise, I wonder if this is being called something it isn’t.

After all, a practicing Jew doesn’t accept the Bible as a whole, does he?

Makes me wonder: Will this study even be using Bibles? Genuine, sixty-six-book, two-testament Bibles? Read it all

What Would You Read?

Uzbekistan: Fifteen year sentence for reading “prohibited” Christian literature? Well, time will tell what his sentence is. According to the story, the issue isn’t Bible reading. It’s reading other Christian literature. So look at your book shelves. Which Christian book would you still read even if it meant your arrest. And possible torture. And possible long-term imprisonment?

In other news at the same site:

Young Evangelist Beaten Unconscious in India

Yemen: Christian arrests may herald new era of persecution.

Above all, love God!