Triablogue: Religious demographics in America

This morning my Google Alert for Anabaptist led me to Religious Demographics in America, from which I excerpt forthwith:

Which groups are the net winners and losers in the dynamic process of shifting religious affiliation?

The group that has experienced the greatest net loss by far is the Catholic Church. Overall, 31.4% of U.S. adults say that they were raised Catholic. Today, however, only 23.9% of adults identify with the Catholic Church, a net loss of 7.5 percentage points.


It is also interesting to see which childhood faiths people leave behind.


Roughly half of those raised as Protestant (52%) retain their childhood religious affiliation…. Overall, then, 80% of those who were raised as Protestant are still Protestant, either within the same denominational family in which they were raised (52%) or within another Protestant family (28%).


Of all of the Protestant families, Baptists, Adventists and Lutherans have the highest retention rates, at roughly 60% each. The Holiness, Anabaptist and Congregationalist families, by contrast, have much lower retention rates, below 40% each.


Two of the religious groups with the lowest retention rates are Jehovah’s Witnesses and Buddhists.

As an Anabaptist of the Mennonite brand, I’m troubled by our low retention rate. 😥

I wonder, though, what our congregation’s retention rate works out to be.

What about yours?

I also wonder what our congregation’s acquisition rate is. Especially from the ranks of the heathen.

What about yours?

January 21

On this day in 2009, America’s 44th President (Barack Hussein Obama) awoke as President for the first time. Now, as midnight strikes on the East Coast, his first full day as the only sitting President of the United States of America ends. Sleep well, Mr. President.

On other January 21’s in US and world history…

1525 — The Swiss Anabaptist Movement is born when Conrad Grebel, Felix Manz, George Blaurock, and about a dozen others baptize each other in Zürich.

1793 — Louis XVI of France is guillotined.

1924 — Vladimir Lenin dies; Joseph Stalin begins purge of his rivals to clear the way for his leadership.

1954 — The first nuclear-powered submarine, the USS Nautilus, is launched.

1973 — Tomorrow the US Supreme Court will precipitate America’s new civil war (pitting the born against the unborn) by delivering its Roe v. Wade decision, striking down laws restricting abortion during the first six to seven months of pregnancy. Thus America’s own genocide will kick into high gear.

1976 — Commercial service of Concorde begins.

1977 — New President Jimmy Carter pardons nearly all American Vietnam War draft evaders.

1981 — Iran releases US hostages after 444 days (as a gift to new President Ronald Reagan?).

1985 — Ronald Reagan’s second-term public inaugural ceremony is today because January 20 was Sunday.

2003 — The US Census Bureau announces that Hispanics have surpassed blacks as America’s largest minority group.

2008 — This turns out to be Black Monday in worldwide stock markets.

In other US political events on this day in 2009:

  • Caroline Kennedy (the last surviving member of President JFK’s family) withdraws her name from the pool of “bidders” for Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat.
  • Hillary Clinton is confirmed by the US Senate as America’s new Secretary of State.
  • At 7:35 pm (Eastern), Chief Justice Roberts readministered the oath of office to President Obama. They each goofed in the public swearing-in yesterday afternoon.

Anabaptists During the Revolution

Ironically, once the fight for liberty started, the freedom of nonresistant Christians became sharply limited.
Anabaptists During the American Revolution

The Liberties of Nonresistant Christians. Some Americans supported neither side in the Revolution. Instead, as Mennonite and German Baptist leaders said in 1775, “We have dedicated ourselves to serve all men in everything that can be helpful to the preservation of men’s lives, but…we are not at liberty in conscience to take up arms to conquer our enemies, but rather to pray to God, who has power in heaven and on earth, for us and them.” Chief among these nonresistant Christians were the Quakers, Mennonites, German Baptists, Moravians, and Schwenkfelders.

Most nonresistant Christians were quite content with their lot as British subjects. As three Mennonite bishops in Pennsylvania wrote in 1773, “Through God’s mercy we enjoy unlimited freedom in both civil and religious matters.” Ironically, once the fight for liberty started, the freedom of nonresistant Christians became sharply limited.

Militia Duty. The first issue that peace-promoting Christians faced was militia duty. After Lexington and Concord, patriot committees called all able-bodied men to join a voluntary association “to learn the art of war.” The associators noticed that the nonresistant Christians did not join in the drills. They demanded laws requiring everybody to serve.

In November 1775, Mennonite and German Baptist ministers sent A Short and Sincere Declaration to the Pennsylvania assembly. They suggested an alternative to militia duty. They would donate money to help poor families left destitute because their men were off fighting. Instead Pennsylvania passed a law levying a special war tax on all non-associators. Later it said nonresistant Christians could hire substitutes or pay a fine. Most nonresistant Christians refused to do either, because as the Short and Sincere Declaration stated, they found “no freedom in giving, or doing, or assisting in anything by which men’s lives are destroyed or hurt.” Therefore, Patriot officials confiscated their property to pay the tax and fines.

Who is Caesar?

Independence created another problem for the nonresistant Christians. Was King George III or was the Continental Congress the Caesar they were to obey? Many of them had promised obedience to the king when they came to America. Breaking their word was seen as a serious sin. Also, the king had protected their liberties. Now the patriots were taking them away.

In the end the nonresistant Christians put their trust in the words of the prophet Daniel in the Bible, “He removeth kings and setteth up kings” (Daniel 2:21). They patiently waited for the outcome of the war to find out who God would set up as Caesar. In the meantime they followed a pattern of strict neutrality. They refused to help either side to fight.

However, when hungry, sick, or wounded soldiers, whether patriot or redcoat, needed aid, the nonresistant Christians gave it. As a Hessian officer said, “They are the most hospitable to us.” The patriots did not understand this impartial love. They threatened men like Mennonite Christian Weaver with a whipping for feeding runaway British prisoners even though he had done the same for Continental soldiers.

Source: US Anabaptists during the Revolutionary War (excerpts from the fifth grade social studies course produced by Christian Light Publications)

Above all, love God!