So Far Today I’ve

Here I’m, helpin’ make media social. 😳

May 16, 2013 — 7:03 am

Had my usual banana and two cups of coffee

Prayed for my family and me — today’s Thursday, so the “featured” ones are L&D

Read this morning’s selection in Daily Light on the Daily Path

Did my first tweet @MarkWentFishing

Updated and managed to mess up what was formerly The Mark Roth Daily — hopefully the next edition is repaired

Collected data for a series of Hoot Suite auto tweets

Semi-unintentionally updated to Firefox 21

Sorted through four email accounts

Acknowledged a payment for a dress that’s to go out today

Checked the Anabaptists RSS feed

Did my meager online banking, kinda-bemoaning somebody’s one-day oversight in direct deposit that cost me an overdraft fee 🙁

Lightly scanned the news — we’re still a ways away from the Democrat version of Watergate

May 4, 2013 — 7:27 pm

Had my usual meals and pre-meals and twixt meals and post-meals, except for my post-supper snack

Left my second cup of early morning coffee to get cold

Added a new subject to my prayers

Drove about twenty miles around sunrise, generally 10-15 mph over the posted limit

Had two free cups of coffee, compliments of Silverton Hospital

Spent several hours in their ER (see several pre- and post-this entries)

Thanked the Lord repeatedly that our youngest had a kidney stone attack rather than appendicitis

Sent and received many texts to family members

Finished my work on the CLE Sunrise Bible 802 Lesson 12 Teacher’s Guide

Started work on the Lesson 13 TG

Thought (out of the blue) of MB while working on CLE project — strange

Prayed for MB, though I’ve met her only once and she’s old enough to be one of my youngest

Pounded 6 T-posts at the ends of three raspberry rows (one post per end)

Went on two or three dandelion patrols

Made peppermint-spearmint iced tea

Tweeted about the Wolverine Digital Converter

Updated the WordPress installation at Book Reviews

May 3, 2013 — 11:06 am

Had pre-breakfast — one and half bananas; one slice of homemade applesauce bread; the last of the coffee

Sprayed our lower garden

Eyeballed some of the local chicks (Do you trust me enough to click that?!)

Read this — Be diligent

Did my daily computer sync

Mostly finalized the day’s To Do list

Tweeted a couple short-term Amazon sales @MarkWentFishing

Hopewell Mennonite Church, Hubbard OR

Gone on a brisk walk (including several runs up — and down — our church steps)

Waved at the local school load

Updated software on my ThinkPad R51e– FreeFileSync and OnlineBible

Checked to see if the Amazon price for the Cuisaid ProDigital Digital Kitchen Scale was still $9.99 instead of the list price of $69.99

Listed five more used books in my Amazon store

  • How to Live
  • The Day Jesus Came to Our Town
  • 8 Weeks to Optimum Health
  • An Introduction to Contemporary Preaching
  • The City Gardener

Relisted an eBay auction item — a groovy gravy ship (except it’s smooth)

Checked through email and taken care of a bunch of spam (current count for today exceeds 300 already!)

Had breakfast — local hen egg, fried; homemade bread, toasted; boughten Cherrios, milked

Claimer: an Amazon affiliate I’m 😯

Read a promo email from Fry’s and done some quick price comparing with Amazon

Paid about a third of my PGE bill

Plucked dandelion tops…and wondered if a dandelion-flower-and-puffball poultice would do good thing for subcutaneous cysts

Napped for an hour (to compensate for awaking at 4:00 am and getting up at 4:30 am, OK?)

There. I helped made media social. You can help by clicking and commenting below. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “So Far Today I’ve”

  1. I think the groovy gravy boat might sell better if the last picture (the one with the flowers) was the first picture- the one everyone sees first!
    busy day! thanks for the smile


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