Did Rush Concede the Election to Biden?

I wondered if he had slipped up in expression, or if he actually meant to say it that way.

I was truly astonished to hear Rush Limbaugh say it twice two different ways during his first segment this morning.

Alas, I don’t remember his phrasing (but I concede he didn’t use the word concede). I just know I was very, very surprised the first time. And not long after, he said it again, with different words. But both times the indisputable message was that Joe Biden won.

He said both toward the end of his first ten minutes on air.

I remember thinking, “He just conceded” and “He threw Trump under the bus.”

I was incredulous to hear it from Rush. I wondered if he had slipped up in his way of saying things or if he really meant it. I kept expecting him to correct himself. He didn’t by the first break. Read it all

How One Anabaptist Christian Looks at Civil Elections

Why I do not participate in the honorable civic calling of voting in civil elections...

Welcome to Election Day USA 2020! (Or any day thereafter.)

Are you ready for what comes next? Have you voted yet? Are you troubled at the possibilities? Does the potential selection of Mr. _ _ _ _ _ frighten you or cheer you? Do you worry about the state and direction of the United States? Do the polls trouble you? Are you afraid at the prospect of civil unrest, fraudulent shenanigans, riots, anarchy, or totalitarianism?

Perhaps you are a Christian and you just aren’t sure how to vote. Perhaps you think Mr. Trump is vile and vicious. Perhaps you think Mr. Biden is vicious and vile. Maybe you think one of them is a con artist and should be a convict.

Perhaps one of the selections below will help you…or make you feel worse. Whatever the case, let me tell you a little of how I look at politics and/or elections. (I think “normal” American citizens have the duty, honor, and high calling to vote.) Read it all

Elections and the Elect: The Darkness Deepens But Light Shines On

Be faithful, even if you are fearful. Don't be blind to danger, neither stop looking to Jesus.

This post is not what I envisioned it becoming.

Instead it is mostly unarranged thoughts typed in a mostly “stream of consciousness” fit or two, originally intended for a couple of weeks as threads to be woven with a bunch of others into something to post at Anabaptists. I just don’t have the time. And, frankly, have lost the “zeal” and drive for it as well.

But I put them here and fling them out there because I am deeply, deeply concerned about the state of God’s people in the times we find ourselves.

Some of these things I know to be factual. Others I acknowledge as possibly not rising to more than being mere feelings. Read it all

15 Facts About Personal and Church Drift

Fifteen significant things about drifting in individuals and in churches

Drifting -- a booklet by Clayton Yake, 1943; Mennonite Publishing House

Is your home congregation drifting? Maybe your entire denomination is adrift. Perhaps your concern has more to do with drift you see in individual people.

It might even possible that someone told you that you or your church are drifting…and you are wondering what that means and what you are supposed to do about it!

In the middle of the previous century, someone compiled these significant things about drifting: Read it all

The Church Assembling: The Community of Believers

How to tell if your church has too many regular services?

Interesting to shoehorn this

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together,
as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:
and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

(Hebrews 10:25)

into the historical context of these verses from this morning’s SS lesson:

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship,
and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple,
and breaking bread from house to house,
did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,

(Acts 2:42,46)

Maybe by the time of Hebrews 10 they were slacking off to three services on the Lord’s Day, another on Wednesday night, and a Bible study on Friday night. So God had the writer issue His warning/command. 😳 😯 Read it all

Create A Custom WordPress Page Template for HTML Content

A fast, easy, simple way to effectively bring old HTML pages into WordPress

Problem: You have an HTML-only web page, carefully designed, that you want to bring as-is into WordPress without investing hours on redesign.

Compounding problem: This page uses three includes as well as a responsive layout and stylesheets that are entirely different from anything offered by the WordPress you are using.

Solution: Create a special single-use custom WordPress page template.

Good news: I’m about to tell you how to do this.

Additional good news: The concept below can be modified into additional WordPress page templates for bringing in other HTML content into WordPress-powered sites. Read it all

Faith Builders Virtual Choir: Still With Thee

A classic hymn, beautifully sung in the midst of the novel coronavirus pandemic

Because of the restrictions levied in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Faith Builders Educational Programs had to cancel their choir tour (among many other things). Our son Andrew is a student there. He had the idea of assembling a virtual choir to sing a song to present to their director as a surprise.

He had plenty of fellow students contribute their voices to the effort. He spent dozens of hours bringing all their audio and video together. The result is beautiful! Thank you, Andrew and crew. 🙂 Read it all

Above all, love God!

since November 9, 2005