Mental Health and the Brain in Our Gut

Dora Smith helps you connect your gut to your brain.
Mental Health and the Brain in Our Gut (by Dora Smith)

In our society today mental health has become an epidemic of vast proportions. The overly taxed mental health system struggles to reach around to the needs this epidemic has created. Our beautiful parks and our sidewalks overflow with garbage and tents, and people with no homes. Our jails and our psychiatric wards overflow with some of these same victims of mental health. Our psychiatric doctors continue to prescribe powerful but insufficient antipsychotics, antidepressants, and mood stabilizers. And yet the problem of mental health remains and many patients repeatedly cycle through the revolving door of the psychiatric ward, or worse, the criminal justice system. If psychiatric medicines truly healed an individual or gave them the ability to function normally in society, why do these individuals continue to haunt the halls of our psychiatric institutions? Individuals and families who have found psychiatric medicine to be wanting, may desire to explore alternatives. However, most psychiatrists are not versed in nutritional healing (Naidoo p. 1) and may even discourage an alternate approach to treating mental health. There are also few resources and little education available outside of traditional psychiatric treatment. But what if a focus on healing the gut could improve mental health beyond what psychiatric medicines are able to do?

Science has verified the connection between our brain and our microbiota. Read it all

Disinformation Tracking and Trusted Content — “Ministry of Truth”

First it's about Covid-19. What comes next?
The Biden Administration providing info to Facebook and other social media

The Ministry of Truth — sounds like something out of the Bible. Except it isn’t. (Is it?)

Maybe it’s out of the Global Community in the Left Behind Series. Or maybe it’s out of 1984 and that Orwell guy. Or maybe I just made it up (though I don’t think so). Whatever the case, I thought of the Ministry of Truth (aka, the Department of Truth) today.

Check this out from White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki today: Read it all

“A Father, Huh?”

How to gain a right concept of God when fathers fail
how to get an accurate picture of God as Father

“Do you know my Dad?”

  • “He abandoned us!”
  • “He is ill-tempered and abusive!”
  • “I was conceived out of wedlock; I am a child of sin.”
  • “He is too busy for us.”
  • “He is so immature it’s mortifying.”
  • “He is a loser.”

“I get no warm fuzzies at the thought of fathers. Why should I about God? In fact, how is my Dad not a message from God to me . . . about me?”Read it all

Covid-19, the Governor, the Church, and Me

Have I changed my stand by now?
Stand fast in the Lord (Philippians 4:1)

For several weeks I’ve been wanting to update you on where I stand regarding governor mandates that affect church services in this Covid-19 era.

Before I tell you, though, I want you to know that early on (say mid-Spring 2020) I suspected the pandemic was being used for political advantage as well as for experimental authoritarian measures. Then I came to be suspicious of the “timeliness” of the foreign connections of the virus. And I was sure some of the governmental measures being taken were not at all on solid Constitutional grounds. Call me a conspiracy kook if you want, but I am persuaded of such things by now.

Even so — and here is the update in a nut’s shell, folks — Read it all

Above all, love God!

since November 9, 2005