If Jesus Is the Christian Woman’s Lover…

Who is my lover?

Some of my sisters in Christ believe they have a sensual dimension to their relationship with Jesus. They even use sexually suggestive language in speaking of it.

I think the Christian woman with such a perspective gets there by using the Bible like this:

  1. When I became a Christian, I became part of the universal church.
  2. Jesus is the bridegroom of the church.
  3. The Song of Solomon graphically depicts a very sensual relationship between a man and a woman — romantic, passionate, sexual.
  4. The Song of Solomon pulls back the curtain on the relationship between Jesus and the church.
  5. Jesus wants me to have that kind of relationship with Him.

My beloved is mine, and I am his. -Song of Solomon

If you are a woman who sees Jesus as your Song of Solomon lover, please answer my simple question:

Who is my lover?

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Warning: Your WiFi Is Likely Compromised

Is your wifi network on KRACK? This "attack works against all modern protected Wi-Fi networks."

If you use wifi in any way, here are six things to note:

  • KRACK is an extended security and privacy vulnerability revealed just today. It’s unlikely your wifi is secure yet.
  • This is a vary capable bug, so don’t underestimate the seriousness of this matter.
  • “The attack works against all modern protected Wi-Fi networks.”
  • “It appears almost any device that uses Wi-Fi is affected.”
  • You “may want to be wary of using Wi-Fi at all until patches are widely rolled out.”
  • “It’s more urgent for general users to patch their personal devices, whether phones, PCs or any smart device, be they watches, TVs or even cars.”

KRACK: beware the wifi hack/bug

Some measures to take while you wait for updates to your wifi network

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How to Disagree With Anyone

Why I disagree (and why you shouldn't take it personally)

The young man asked to talk to me privately about church matters. He seemed to have two main things on his mind:

  • Why didn’t I go along or fall in line or be agreeable in certain matters?
  • I underestimate the influence (on some people) of the opinions and perspectives of “Brother Mark.”

I assured him that when I disagree, it’s on principle. I told him I don’t make such things personal. He seemed surprised. I was surprised and dismayed at his surprise. And I wondered what he had been “fed” about me.

That was several years ago. As I recall, it was during a recess from an all-day, heavy-duty men’s meeting of our church. It may have been in that time period that I posted this on Facebook on January 26, 2014:

Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? (Galatians 4:16)

“Am I therefore become your enemy,
because I tell you the truth?”

(Galatians 4:16)

More recently I posted this on FacebookRead it all

Above all, love God!

since November 9, 2005