Christian Aid Ministries Releases New Statement Regarding Jeriah Mast

Their answers to five questions you might have

Late last night, the Board of Directors for Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) released a statement about CAM’s handling of the Jeriah Mast sexual abuse case in Haiti. This statement strikes me as far, far better than the first statement (which may not have been from the Board of Directors itself).

In their statement they respond to these questions:Read it all

Is There a Cover-Up at Christian Aid Ministries Regarding Jeriah Mast?

Did they tolerate a known sexual predator on their staff in Haiti?

I don’t know.

I do know this whole thing just makes me sick. It is so evil…and essentially done in the name of Christ.

I know what I’ve read online about Jeriah Mast being a sexual predator and sexual abuser of little boys in Haiti and in the United States.

I know that Jeriah served in Haiti under Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) for many years.

I know that CAM is being accused of a cover-up in some quarters.

I do not personally know the principals involved nor do I know the gal who is blogging extensively about the matter.

I do know that I’m very unsatisfied with and troubled by CAM’s June 11 statement on their website. I hope they get on the ball and offer something more transparent and more point-blank. How come they don’t mention Jeriah Mast by name, for instance? Read it all

How to Prepare to Present a Slideshow

A pre-show presenter's checklist for your public talk

That’s what I was working on early this morning, as I began the mad rush to finish writing the last lesson of a multi-year project I’ve been on for Christian Light Education.

I needed a figure to illustrate one item on my checklist. So, I set up a quick photo shoot next door. This is now Figure 2 in Lesson 14 of LightUnit 10 of CLE’s new course on LibreOffice: Read it all

Women in Combat, Selective Service System, and the Draft

Judge rules unconstitutional a US military draft (and registration for it) as presently configured

Draft women for the military?

image of injuctioning by federal judge rules against all-male military draft

Federal Judge Gary Miller in Texas ruled on Friday that a military draft as the US has used it in the past is unconstitutional.

Before you start cheering, be aware that the focus isn’t on the draft but on its male-only nature. In other words, this is about making the military draft constitutional by drafting women as well. Judge Miller proclaimed that “the time has passed” to be debating whether or not women belong in the US military.

Though the US has no military draft at the present (and hasn’t had any since the last millennium), it does require young men to register for the draft with the Selective Service System. (Young men, it is your duty under God to comply. If you’re 18 or older, get yourself to a Post Office and do it.) Read it all

Did Michelle Obama and Donald Trump Voluntarily Damn Themselves?

When people don't forgive, what consequences do they suffer?

Mrs. Obama: “I’d never forgive him” (speaking of Mr. Trump).
Mr. Trump’s response: “I’ll never forgive him” (speaking of Mrs. Obama’s husband).HT:

Last I read, both the current President and the former first lady say they are Christians.

Then they need to forgive anyone they are refusing to forgive. The Lord Jesus (the Christ in Christians, you know) commands it plainly:

“And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses” (Mark 11:25,26).

I’m sure Michelle Obama and Donald Trump have read or quoted the Lord’s Prayer. Here’s a part that’s easy to coast over glibly, even unwittingly: Read it all

Above all, love God!

since November 9, 2005