Weapons-Grade Assault Food

I've led a sheltered life -- I had no idea.

First of all, I’ve led a sheltered life — I had no idea about triangular pancakes. 😳

Second of all, what’s to keep the aggressive “non-lambs” from cutting their altered flapjacks back into weapons-grade assault triangles? 😯

Third of all, here’s the story as I copied and pasted it: Read it all

Polymorphous Promiscuity Will Prevail

Why should paedophilia be wrong or illegal any more than are promiscuity, divorce, shacking up, and homosexuality?

For quite a while, I’ve had in mind to pose such a question to make this point: I expect paedophilia will be the new gay, though paedophiles will hijack their own mainstream term.

Give it a few years. Not that many. It won’t take that much longer.

Then Andrée and I (and you?) will have another scarlet letter pinned to us: P.


Well, see what you make of this: Read it all

Mr. Levin, It’s No Use

Mark Roth tells Mark Levin his defense and promotion of the US Constitution is a waste of time. Hope for a Constitutional rescue is pointless. America is lost.

I’ve listened to some of your informed, eloquent, impassioned monologues defending and promoting the US Constitution. Though I think they are helpfully enlightening, I’m convinced you’re wasting your time.

For your laudable mission to succeed, the Constitution must be carefully observed and honored. And protected, defended, and enforced, for it can do none of those for itself.

Alas, far too many judicial and political leaders entrusted with such a task have been (and are) derelict in that. Furthermore, far too much of the populace just doesn’t care. And both of those numbers are on the rise, not the wane.

The judicial, political, Constitutional war to preserve this republic as founded is lost. Nothing can be done to rescue the United States of America. Nothing. Do the political and cultural math — the numbers just aren’t there. Read it all

Your Pride Will Flatten You!

Pride is a certain path to defeat and failure. A man's pride shall bring him low. Your pride is no different! (Neither is mine.) DEATH TO PRIDE!

Pride is a certain path to defeat and failure.

I know — experience ain’t complicated on this one!

I know — the Bible ain’t complicated either!

Pride will bring people low.

Pride puts individuals on a collision course with divine resistance.

That is true of pride in general.

Your pride is no different! Read it all

Yes, It Could Happen Here

God has so blessed America that we can happily relegate such terror to Asia and Europe and say it can’t happen here—but it could if churches content themselves with blessing bicycles, bees, and yaks instead of teaching about sin and what happens to societies that encourage it rather than restrain it. We need to learn about real ghouls.

Halloween’s real ghouls

Above all, love God!