Weekend Reflections and Head-Scratchers

Too much to think and write about. Hence this substitute for both!

I thought to post some of my observations from/of the weekend (which I presume begins Friday evening and ends Sunday evening). But I need to finish writing CLE Bible 902 Lesson 1.

And yet, how shall I write about Abram with “Mark’s Weekend Thinking” a-buzz in my head? (To my friends: none of this “Mark’s weak end, thinking” business, OK? 🙄 Thank you.)

So I figured out that I should write down some snippets and memory joggers to serve as a guide (for later) and as a mind declogger (for now).

Wow! I dredged up and skimmed off far more than I realized was there. 😯 I have way too much to write about. So I won’t.

Except to post my snippets and memory joggers. Alphabetically. Read it all

Holocaust Remembrance Day and the Power of Israel

It seems 70 years is too long for the world to remember...

Yom Hashoah candle and entrance to Birkenau extermination camp

Remember Birkenau!

As he closed his Holocaust Remembrance Day speech today, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu declared:

Unlike our situation during the Holocaust, when we were like leaves on the wind, defenseless, now we have great power to defend ourselves, and it is ready for any mission. This power rests on the courage and ingenuity of the soldiers of the IDF and our security forces. It is this power that enabled us, against all odds, to build the State of Israel.

Mr. Netanyahu is mistaken. No matter how great the military power of Israel and the prowess of her warriors, she is still defenseless. Read it all

How to Alienate Children and Influence Generations

Parents pigging out at the mobile trough get my goat!

angry or sad child while mom is on cell phone

Have you ever watched families at a fast food joint? Some folks from Boston Medical Center got curious about such social events. We’ve got a problem, Houson.

Before illuminating the problem, though, I offer you an attainable solution:

happy family with no electronic toys or mobile devices at mealtime

Parents, put down your electronics and take up your own flesh and blood! Disconnect from you mobile devices and connect with your children.

That’s my short response to this unscientific-but-telling study: Read it all

What Good Is Algebra?

Wherein an ex-algebra teacher makes a case for not being gullible

OK, students, get a piece of scratch paper and a sharp pencil. It’s time for a good old-fashioned Algebra story problem. (No, you may not use your iAnything or your calculator. Paper. Pencil. Period.)

Sam took his second semester English test. The task at hand was to find all the spelling and grammar errors. He found 92. He flunked the test. His teacher told him he only found 6.7% of the errors! What was the total number of errors to be found on that English test?

(Remember this post is intended to show you just how useful Algebra is in Real Life!)

If you know elementary Algebra, you know that asking the right question is key to writing the right equation. And that is key to getting the right answer. Here’s The Question: Read it all

Who Can Email You Via Google+?

It depends on whether you leave the new default setting set.

So Google+ is playing catch-up with Facebook again.

Now it’s by allowing people who don’t have your email address send you an email if they have your Google+ address or profile or whatever it’s called.

Quoting from an email from Google early this morning…

Gmail update: Reach more people you know

Ever wanted to email someone you know, but haven’t yet exchanged email addresses? Starting this week, when you’re composing a new email, Gmail will suggest your Google+ connections as recipients, even if you haven’t exchanged email addresses yet.

That seems useful enough. Even innocuous.

But what about people not in your Google+ circles. Can you send them an email too? And much more importantly, can they send you an email?

Of course! Read it all

Above all, love God!