Please, please!
Don’t Be Dumb!
Cell phone or email or blog or Facebook or MySpace or Twitter or whatever: Beware the Send Button!
“The moment you push ‘send,’
the damage is done.”
The link will take you to the tragic story about Jessica Logan, who took a non-clothes cell photo of herself and sent it to her boyfriend. In a terrible cascade of forwards and resends, hundreds (if not thousands) of people received it. And Jessica was verbally pummeled face-to-face as well as via phone, text, email, Facebook, MySpace, and who knows what other medium.
Things like this make me mad. And sad.
Our technology allows us to do so much dumb (and worse) stuff on a whim. And regret later.
She did something very foolish in taking that photo of herself. She compounded her error by texting that photo to someone else. At that point, a character flaw or a bad attitude or a wrongly-entered recipient or a wrong key pressed or another foolish choice — and the original recipient sent it on.
And the process was repeated. And repeated. And repeated.
Have you learned the lesson now?
Message to Albert and Cynthia Logan: May you find comforting grace in Jesus Christ. As a dad, father-in-law, and grandpa, my heart aches for your daughter…and for you. I’m sorry. 😥