How to Eliminate Coronavirus Hype

A straightforward solution whose principles are already kicking into gear globally...
How to Eliminate Coronavirus Hype

No, not how to eliminate the virus. Like all viruses, it will just have to run its course.

This is about how to lower the hype to normal-flu levels. Zero pretty much. Eliminate, in other words.

Israel and Italy are under full-blown quarantine, right?

Air travel is curbed, right?

Public assemblies are being canceled, right?

Even (some/the) Democrats are calling for canceling further campaigning, right?

To eliminate the coronavirus hype, to brush COVID-19 right out of the news… Read it all

Women in Combat, Selective Service System, and the Draft

Judge rules unconstitutional a US military draft (and registration for it) as presently configured

Draft women for the military?

image of injuctioning by federal judge rules against all-male military draft

Federal Judge Gary Miller in Texas ruled on Friday that a military draft as the US has used it in the past is unconstitutional.

Before you start cheering, be aware that the focus isn’t on the draft but on its male-only nature. In other words, this is about making the military draft constitutional by drafting women as well. Judge Miller proclaimed that “the time has passed” to be debating whether or not women belong in the US military.

Though the US has no military draft at the present (and hasn’t had any since the last millennium), it does require young men to register for the draft with the Selective Service System. (Young men, it is your duty under God to comply. If you’re 18 or older, get yourself to a Post Office and do it.) Read it all

Did Michelle Obama and Donald Trump Voluntarily Damn Themselves?

When people don't forgive, what consequences do they suffer?

Mrs. Obama: “I’d never forgive him” (speaking of Mr. Trump).
Mr. Trump’s response: “I’ll never forgive him” (speaking of Mrs. Obama’s husband).HT:

Last I read, both the current President and the former first lady say they are Christians.

Then they need to forgive anyone they are refusing to forgive. The Lord Jesus (the Christ in Christians, you know) commands it plainly:

“And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses. But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses” (Mark 11:25,26).

I’m sure Michelle Obama and Donald Trump have read or quoted the Lord’s Prayer. Here’s a part that’s easy to coast over glibly, even unwittingly: Read it all

Hopewell Mennonite Church: Two More Funerals

Marion Schrock and Roger Jones, buried one day apart in our little church cemetery

We have our own cemetery here at Hopewell Mennonite Church. But we rarely have funerals in our meeting house for capacity reasons. Yesterday afternoon, though, we hosted the Oregon funeral for former member Marion Schrock who died in Indiana. And this afternoon we had the funeral for Roger Jones, one of our newest members.

So we have two new graves in our cemetery. Here they are, still empty… Read it all

Warning: Your WiFi Is Likely Compromised

Is your wifi network on KRACK? This "attack works against all modern protected Wi-Fi networks."

If you use wifi in any way, here are six things to note:

  • KRACK is an extended security and privacy vulnerability revealed just today. It’s unlikely your wifi is secure yet.
  • This is a vary capable bug, so don’t underestimate the seriousness of this matter.
  • “The attack works against all modern protected Wi-Fi networks.”
  • “It appears almost any device that uses Wi-Fi is affected.”
  • You “may want to be wary of using Wi-Fi at all until patches are widely rolled out.”
  • “It’s more urgent for general users to patch their personal devices, whether phones, PCs or any smart device, be they watches, TVs or even cars.”

KRACK: beware the wifi hack/bug

Some measures to take while you wait for updates to your wifi network

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US State Department Updates Mexico Travel Warning

Security conditions in Sonora and Sinaloa warrant the update

The US Department of State updated its Mexico Travel Warning on Tuesday, August 22, 2017.

The U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens about the risk of traveling to certain parts of Mexico due to the activities of criminal organizations in those areas. U.S. citizens have been the victims of violent crimes, including homicide, kidnapping, carjacking, and robbery in various Mexican states. This Travel Warning replaces the Travel Warning for Mexico issued December 8, 2016.

For information on security conditions in specific regions of Mexico, see our state-by-state assessments below. U.S. government personnel and their families are prohibited from personal travel to all areas to which the Department recommends “defer non-essential travel” in this Travel Warning. As a result of security precautions that U.S. government personnel must take while traveling to parts of Mexico, our response time to emergencies involving U.S. citizens may be hampered or delayed.

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When You Have to Go in a National Park

Be sure to pick a single-occupancy restroom or outhouse.

Secretary of the Interior cheers gender-free bathrooms in national barks

June 27 tweet by Secretary of the Interior

So yesterday (apparently) the President decreed that national parks no longer honor the single-gender bathroom concept. (Gender-specific restrooms — what an antiquated concept in this great society. 😯 )

Apparently whatever the sign may say is no guarantee what you will find inside. So beware of using multiple-capacity restrooms. The spectators therein may be more “sexually varied” than you bargained for. Read it all

Above all, love God!