Dear Credit Card User

For more than a week I’ve been planning to write to you about your credit cards.

Now I just read that Changes to credit card rules won’t perfectly protect consumers. The writer makes some of the same points I was planning to make, though mine are based on personal experience and not on research of the new laws.

Another change generally keeps lenders from raising interest rates on existing balances, though you still could see rates go up on new purchases, provided they send a warning of the change.

Consumers received a taste of this desperation in the last few months. Knowing that by Feb. 22 their interest income would be reduced, lenders raised rates, changed credit limits and dropped many customers.

Even people who paid on time were shocked by the changes lenders used to cut their risks and enhance revenue.

Now comes Phase 2. Analysts expect consumers to be hit with new fees, such as annual fees for holding credit cards and penalties for rarely or never using cards.

The law requires that people be notified clearly of changes, but many people ignore their mail.

“…lenders raised rates, changed credit limits and dropped many customers,”” she wrote.

Some of them certainly did for me!

A couple raised their rates.

Another dropped credit limits because of card inactivity. (That reduction was in the range of $10K.)

Yet another simply closed a had-not-been-used-in-a-long-time business card.

And all of the above were utterly unexpected. And none of the actions were because of some recent bad activity of mine. The card holders were just getting ready for the new law to go into effect.

Interestingly, though, Discover Card treated me quite differently on a personal card. First of all, they slashed my interest rate. And did so retroactively by a month or so. (I called them to ask for a reduction.) Thank you, Discover! You guys have been nice to me before; I appreciate that.

Had You Heard?

Tests show bagged greens in Oregon, elsewhere have bacteria

Obama used National Prayer Breakfast to attack anti-sodomy laws for Uganda

Al Qaeda poised to try major attack in United States within 3-6 months, intelligence chiefs warn

UN calls for treaty to prevent cyber war

Obama Administration Admits It Wrongly Tracked Abortion Groups in Wisconsin

US says it may kill Americans abroad

Religious attire mirrors tenets of faith

June Bontrager, Porter Mennonite Church

Lest We Forget

January 27 is the day established by the United Nations as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Amazingly, today is only the fifth observance of International Holocaust Remembrance Day! What was the UN’s hurry?!

Anyway, here are excerpts from two stories I read/scanned a few minutes ago:

Survivors and world leaders gathered in the bitter chill at Auschwitz on Wednesday to remember the hundreds of thousands who perished in one of Nazi Germany’s infamous concentration camps, 65 years to the day since troops of the Red Army liberated the camp.


Chief Rabbi Israel Meir Lau of Tel Aviv, a holocaust survivor, recited the Kaddish, the Jewish prayer of mourning, and sirens wailed across the barracks and barbed wire where an estimated 1.1 million people died.

Source: Holocaust Memorial Day marked on Auschwitz liberation anniversary

Here’s one other article excerpt:

During the Holocaust, 6 million Jews and millions of others were systematically murdered in Nazi-occupied Europe.

Yet many lived to tell their stories.

Arthur Berger, spokesman for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, said the first-hand accounts are important, especially in the Internet age when misinformation is easily spread. Those memories must be documented as much as possible, Berger said, in the hope that, by preserving the truth about what happened, future atrocities can be prevented.

Source: Victims, survivors honored International Holocaust Remembrance Day

According to Wikipedia, on this day in 1945, “The Red Army liberates the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Poland.”

In case you forgot, I titled this post “Lest We Forget.” So I ask, Have the world’s powers that be forgotten Nazi Germany as Iran’s leaders make their anti-Israel, anti-Jew comments and threats? We shall see.

Fake Facebook Email

Fake Facebook Email

It is not legit.

It’s spam, and likely of the bad kind.

Do not click any links in it.

In the image above, I made two clues be red font:

  • That first email address doesn’t look real persuasive as a corporate address, does it now?
  • That second email address ain’t me.

The third clue — the most important of all, really — lies in the links contained in the email.

Notice what shows up in the browser status bar (is that what it’s called down below?) when I put my cursor on one of the links:

Fake Facebook Email

Again, notice the red part. If you only read the first part of the URL, it looks like the link points to — but you must keep reading till you get to the first forward slash. Then you’ll see the link doesn’t point to at all.

If you didn’t know that yet regarding links, learn the lesson and remember it well!

PS: Thanks to the wonders of CSS, the above images are actually the same image. Click on either image above to see the full thing.

Hey, Sister!

You’re held to a higher standard!

Let down by a Mennonite

Such are the inheritances of my up-bringing that I still have a twinge of conscience regarding shopping on Sundays. So it has been with a certain kind of nostalgic pleasure that I have noted that Amish and Mennonite businesses are closed on Sundays in Sarasota. “Good for them” I have thought, “they hang on to some healthy counter-cultural traditions”.

I hoved up to “Sam’s Club” this afternoon, to buy some catfish at a good price. The store was out of stock!.

As I entered the store I saw a 70-something Mennonite woman easily identifiable by her attire as she left “Sam’s Club” with a full cart/trolley.

I felt betrayed.

Before you react against the above writer, read his full post, especially the conclusion.

That said, I react with dismay (and worse) at this kind of Mennonite witness, for I also am a Mennonite.

But…why is this a Mennonite witness? Why not a Christian witness?

The question isn’t merely, “What has happened to the Mennonites?”

It’s also, “What has happened to the Christians?!”

Sunday observance just doesn’t matter anymore.

That’s too bad.

Adobe Reader: Critical Vulnerability

“Everybody” uses PDFs, right?

A Security Advisory has been posted in regards to the Adobe Reader and Acrobat issue discussed in the Adobe PSIRT blog on December 14 “New Adobe Reader and Acrobat Vulnerability,” CVE-2009-4324. A critical vulnerability exists in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.2 and earlier for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX operating systems. This vulnerability CVE-2009-4324 could cause a crash and potentially allow an attacker to take control of the affected system. There are reports that this vulnerability is being actively exploited in the wild. Customers should refer to the Security Advisory for information on mitigating this vulnerability. The advisory will be updated once a schedule has been determined for releasing a fix.

More here: Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team PSIRT

Above all, love God!