Email Tip of the Day: Check Your Spam Box

Unless, of course, you do not care about ALL your legitimate email...
Spam box in Gmail desktop

Gmail does you a great service by routing spam you receive into its own box. You will never see it or be bothered by it. And after 30 days, Gmail deletes it “forever” for you.

Gmail does you a great disservice by treating some of your legitimate email as spam. You know what that means — you will never see it and after 30 days, it’s gone “forever.”

Oh, you think you’re free of this problem since you don’t use Gmail? Think again. No matter what email system you use, you better find out what’s happening with your spam or junk email! Read it all

Signs of the End, Warnings, and Encouragement

Wars, revolutions, Covid-19, earthquakes, UFOs, false christs, aliens, famines, apostasy, fear, instability, tribulation, deception, mandates, tyranny, oppression, cultural collapse, spiritual darkness, hopelessness -- watch and be ready. Shine as lights in the world!
When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8)

June 2021

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, the Alpha and Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the ending; who is, was, and is to come, the Almighty.

The Holy Spirit has laid it on my heart to write to you concerning the lateness of the hour, the signs of the end of the age, and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also have four warnings the Lord has given me, and some words of encouragement. Read it all

Covid-19 Pandemic: We Face Far More Than a Virus!

Jon Kropf warns about deception, coronavirus, vaccines, truth, and end times.
Question human-sourced information!

Jon Kropf wrote a piece earlier this year which he titled “We Are Facing More Than a Virus.” I don’t know when he wrote it — I received it the evening of March 6, 2021. After securing Jon’s permission, I published it online the next day.

I’m using this post here at Ain’t Complicated to highlight some chunks from his lengthy article. I link to the article itself at the end of this post. I urge you to read it.

Question human-sourced information!

I am asking myself the question, “Should I accept a coronavirus vaccine if it is offered to me? What if it is made obligatory by the government?” We have been praying about this. It has been a prayer request on Wednesday evenings. Maybe it seems odd that I would open this discussion about deception with, the garden of Eden and a coronavirus vaccine. Many of you know I work in healthcare. I do not present this as an expert voice. Let me explain that I know very little about vaccines and have not done extensive research on this subject. In short, my understanding of the science behind the 2020 events and the various vaccines is minimal. To be honest with you, I don’t really know who I can trust to tell me the truth in medical journals or on media sites.

Read it all

Disinformation Tracking and Trusted Content — “Ministry of Truth”

First it's about Covid-19. What comes next?
The Biden Administration providing info to Facebook and other social media

The Ministry of Truth — sounds like something out of the Bible. Except it isn’t. (Is it?)

Maybe it’s out of the Global Community in the Left Behind Series. Or maybe it’s out of 1984 and that Orwell guy. Or maybe I just made it up (though I don’t think so). Whatever the case, I thought of the Ministry of Truth (aka, the Department of Truth) today.

Check this out from White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki today: Read it all

Elections and the Elect: The Darkness Deepens But Light Shines On

Be faithful, even if you are fearful. Don't be blind to danger, neither stop looking to Jesus.

This post is not what I envisioned it becoming.

Instead it is mostly unarranged thoughts typed in a mostly “stream of consciousness” fit or two, originally intended for a couple of weeks as threads to be woven with a bunch of others into something to post at Anabaptists. I just don’t have the time. And, frankly, have lost the “zeal” and drive for it as well.

But I put them here and fling them out there because I am deeply, deeply concerned about the state of God’s people in the times we find ourselves.

Some of these things I know to be factual. Others I acknowledge as possibly not rising to more than being mere feelings. Read it all

The Bait of Satan

Your response to offense will determine your future, temporally and eternally.

Last year I listened to a sermon preached in a little church in Texas. I was so impacted by it, I shared it with a friend. The message is “The Bait of Offenses” (preached by the now-late Mervin Graber).

Not long after, my friend was in the book section of a thrift store and saw this book title: The Bait of Satan (by John Bevere). Curious by its similarity to the sermon title, he pulled it off the shelf and saw it addressed the same subject. So he bought it. And read it. And loaned it to me.

I was so impressed by the message that I read the book. Wow! Before long, my friend’s wife found another copy of the book in a thrift store. She bought it and my friend gave it to me for Christmas or my birthday.

You can listen to the sermon version “The Bait of Offenses” at my Anabaptists website. I urge you to do so. Please.

The rest of this post is more about the book as well as some excerpts from it. Read it all

COVID-19: Hooked by Numbers and Death Projections

If you think getting hooked is a good thing, ask a fish or a drug addict or a prostitute

It has been several days since I last looked at the coronavirus world map put up by the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center. Here’s the screen capture I took at 7:07 this morning (here in Oregon, USA).

Johns Hopkins Coronavirus map early on 29 March 2020
Johns Hopkins Coronavirus map early on 29 March 2020

I do not for a bit believe those numbers out of China and Iran. Come on, folks, really? Especially those China figures. Right. Since when do totalitarian regimes dispense negative information freely, transparently, and fully? Read it all

Above all, love God!