West may have to live with Hitler’s remilitarization

Oooops! Wrong headline! 😉

Try this instead: West may have to live with low-level Iranian atom work

The crisis over Iran’s atomic agenda is deepening, but the world’s nuclear watchdog chief has warned there may be no choice but to accept limited uranium enrichment by Tehran, diplomats say.

Hmm. I wonder what the generals say.

Particularly the Israeli generals.

I wonder what Churchill would say.

Makes Sense to Me

Two U.S. Democratic senators said on Friday

…they would introduce legislation aimed at blocking Dubai Ports World from buying a company that operates several U.S. shipping ports because of security concerns.

I agree that there’s too much foreign outsourcing goin’ on out there.

Of course, I don’t know much of anything about this port controversy nor about the plan these Senators have.

The Slop Will Thicken

There’s been a lot of slop slung (and mud and muck) over the VP’s accidental shooting of a fellow hunter.

This will only worsen matters:

The Texas lawyer accidentally shot by Vice President Dick Cheney during a weekend quail hunt suffered a minor heart attack on Tuesday when some of the birdshot migrated close to his heart, a hospital spokesman said.

Is anybody talking seriously about persecuting prosecuting Mr. Cheney, especially if his “victim’s” condition worsens seriously?

Give ’em time, I suspect.

(Maybe a result of all this will be VP Rice. Hmph.)

Dancing, Spitting, Stabbing

MEMO to Israel: What do you expect?

Better to taste this reality now than later when it could really hurt:

Israel was left fuming over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s decision to invite Palestinian poll winners Hamas to Moscow, slamming the move as a “knife in the back” from a key negotiator for Middle East peace.

The invititation was later backed by France as potentially positive for the peace process.

But it puzzled Washington and delivered a blow to the Jewish state’s appeal to the international community to isolate the radical movement as it prepares to form a new Palestinian government.

“This initiative is a real knife in the back… because it aims to give international legitimacy to a terrorist group and we must oppose it with all our means,” Education Minister Meir Sheetrit told public radio on Friday.

“What would Moscow say if we invited Chechen representatives (to Jerusalem) in response?” the minister asked.

“Putin is dancing with wolves,” charged Housing Minister Zeev Boim.

“Anger in Israel: Putin is Spitting in Our Face,” read the headline of the top-selling Yediot Aharonot newspaper.

Tony Snow(fall)

I enjoy listening to Tony Snow. I just wish my local station would be able to air him live, but I suppose that would conflict with BillO’s show.

But I object to a little piece in this paragraph from today’s Snow article:

But another explanation fits the facts. The mayhem has centered in four nations: Afghanistan, Lebanon, Pakistan and Syria. Each has a double-digit unemployment rate, and poverty rates between 32 percent and 52 percent. All have large pools of idle men who can show up for a mob activity at a moment’s notice. In short, they’re havens for losers, uniquely equipped to stage such spectacles.

Interesting facts. (At least, I assume them to be such.)

Except for his characterization of these countries as “havens for losers.”

As one human speaking to another, I say all countries are havens for losers.

Above all, love God!