Good News: Hannah Clark

What a story! This is too neat!

A 12-year-old girl from South Wales is believed to have become the first heart transplant patient in the UK to have her donor organ removed and her own heart brought reinvigorated.

Hannah Clark, who has also suffered from cancer, had the operation, carried out on 20 February, after her body rejected her donor heart. The procedure is important as it shows that surgeons can allow a heart with acute inflammation to rest itself by using a “piggy back heart” before reconnecting their own organ. Previously, patients died or had transplants before their hearts had a chance to recover.

The heart specialist Sir Magdi Yacoub was persuaded to come out of retirement by Miss Clark’s parents to reconnect the dormant heart he cut off 10 years ago.

I had no idea this could be done. I just thought the bad hearts were chucked.

Cheers for Sir Magdi Yacoub!

Palestinian Justice?

This sick view is preceeded by a truly tragic travesty:

In 1995, the Palestinian Legislative council voted unanimously in favor of the death sentence for land brokers who sell lands to Jews. Former PA justice minister Freih Abu Medein announced that the death sentence would be applied to land sellers based on the Jordanian law which was authorized as PA law.

The PA mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ikremah Sabri, announced a fatwa in the same year authorizing the killing of any Arab who sells property to Jews. The fatwa also forbids Muslims from burying the perpetrators in Muslim cemeteries.

I know, that was 11 years ago. If things have changed, please provide a link.

And be sure to read the full story above.

Good News: Nature Still Works!

I just got back from a brisk walk up and down (literally) our gravel driveway.

The sun came up again, though I cannot see it because of the clouds.

I saw a robin in the top of one of our trees. Such a neat song it sang.

I also saw and heard two geese couples winging by across the little valley below us.

Several cows grazed close to the driveway. They were close enough I could hear the sound of grass ripping away as they yanked it from its moorings. And in a pasture further away, I heard more of our landlord’s cows, mooing at him as he prepared to haul them hay.

As I trudged back up our steep drive, I heard a pick-up gathering speed on the two-lane road behind me. Even things mechanical prove that nature still works.

The cherry trees are blooming, as are some other trees. The grass is growing quite well. And so are the weeds in our garden plot (and in our yard). Trees are greening out.

Like I say, nature still works. And that’s good news!

Nature still works because God continues to work in our world and in our universe. Praise Him!

Haniyeh Is Right

When I read news stories like this, I agree with the stance even though I reject other policies:

Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said on Saturday his government would not bow to foreign pressure to recognize Israel and disavow violence despite funding cuts that are pushing the Palestinian Authority to financial collapse.

If they are a sovereign state (which they aren’t, of course), why should they allow foreigners to call the shots?

If these people genuinely believe that Israel should be wiped out and the Jews exterminated or at least driven away, why should they compromise their principles for the approval and economic support of others?

The foreigners want to stand on their own principles by refusing to provide recognition and aid to an anti-Israel, anti-Jew outfit like Hamas. How, then, can they expect Hamas to not stand on their own principles?

Do I support Hamas in their anti-Israel, anti-Jew, civilian-slaughtering principles and practices? Of course not! That’s not what I’m talking about here.

Good News: Immigration

Via Yahoo! News, this:

A U.S. Senate compromise on an overhaul of immigration law appeared to get bogged down late on Thursday in the face of opposition by some Republicans who say it would give amnesty to lawbreakers.

It appeared unlikely the Senate would approve before a two-week congressional break on Friday the radical immigration reform that would give millions of illegal immigrants a chance to earn U.S. citizenship.

The bill’s backers expressed fear that failure to enact the legislation before lawmakers leave for their spring break could hurt its chances in a congressional election year.

If I as a home business owner decided to violate the nation’s tax laws, would there be a bill that basically overlooks that while giving me the opportunity to rewrite the tax code while continuing to ignore the current code?

This deadlock is good for immigration. And it is bad for permissiveness and politics.

New World Order

Iran, North Korea, Iraq, Venezuela, Brazil — so many places to keep in focus. Oh yeah, and the US-Mexico and Israel-PLO borders. But don’t overlook this:

Amid worsening relations with the West, the Kremlin is boosting its political, economic and military ties with China as both countries look to counterbalance U.S. global influence, analysts said.

On a recent visit to Beijing, Russian President Vladimir Putin hailed the burgeoning relationship as a model of international cooperation.

“Russia and China are two of the largest powers in the world, and our relations are more than just a factor of geopolitical stability. They are an example of an open international partnership that is not directed against any third country and that helps develop a better and more just world order,” Mr. Putin said in a March 21 speech broadcast live on Chinese television.

Above all, love God!