Middle East: Oh, No!

I call this a huge step in the wrong direction — Israel reveals plan to divide Jerusalem:

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s Kadima Party is drafting a plan to divide Jerusalem by unilaterally withdrawing from some of the city’s neighborhoods and making special arrangements for key holy sites, a top party official announced in an interview yesterday.

“We will not divide Jerusalem, we will share it,” Kadima lawmaker Otniel Schneller told the Associated Press.

Most Jerusalem neighborhoods with large Arab populations would be given to the Palestinians, he said.

Mom, Do You Work?

From Reuters via Yahoo! News: Study: US mothers deserve $134,121 in salary — but I agree with Kristen:

“You can’t put a dollar value on it. It’s worth a lot more,” said Kristen Krauss, 35, as she hurriedly packed her four children, all aged under 8, into a minivan in New York while searching frantically for her keys. “Just look at me.”

Employed mothers reported spending on average 44 hours a week at their outside job and 49.8 hours at their home job, while the stay-at-home mother worked 91.6 hours a week, it showed.

An estimated 5.6 million women in the United States are stay-at-home mothers with children under age 15, according to the most recent U.S. Census Bureau data.

God bless them all!

And may their children and husbands honor, bless, respect, love, and help them all.

Diplomacy Is Weird

What kind of normal sense does this make?

Washington usually allows Taiwan leaders to enter the United States in transit, but refuses official visits so as not to offend China, which claims sovereignty over the island.

This time, however, he would not even be allowed to stay overnight, making it the worst treatment a Taiwan leader has received during a transit stop in 12 years.

The apparent snub was a blow for Chen, whose stopover plan China had warned Washington not to approve. It raised questions about the self-ruled island’s ties with its most important ally and chief arms supplier.

Somehow, this seems petty. Rude. Silly. Dumb. Spineless.

Yeah, that. Spineless.

Obviously I don’t know about global diplomacy stuff.

“China rules, dude. China rocks. Mock Taiwan.”

(Or something like that.)

Hangs up, shaking his head.

Of Keyboards and Toilet Seats

Public restrooms — what would we ever do without them? But talk about all the germs!

Turns out much greater risks abound right in plain sight. So says this article:

Keyboards and telephones — especially when they are shared — are among the most germ-laden places in a home or office . . . .

Well, great. I guess it’s time to buy some sort of de-germ-ificator spray. (I wonder what Lysol does to keyboard innards.)

Worried about colds, flu and other germs? Go ahead and touch those doorknobs and elevator buttons, but watch out for the telephone, fresh laundry and sinks . . . .

What?! Fresh laundry, too?

And few people know just how dirty laundry is — clean laundry.

“Most people don’t realize that they actually should wash their hands after they make dinner and also after they do the laundry,” Gerba said.

Americans have moved to short-cycle, cold-water washes to save energy and wear and tear on clothing, but this leaves viruses and bacteria largely intact.

“Water at 140 degrees F (60 degrees C) will sanitize laundry,” Gerba said. But only 5 percent of Americans use hot water for laundry.

And viruses such as hepatitis A, rotavirus and bacteria such as Salmonella — all of which cause stomach upsets and diarrhea — can easily survive the average 28-minute drying cycle.

These are all carried fecally. “There is about a 10th of a gram of feces in the average pair of underwear,” Gerba says. “You don’t want to be doing your handkerchiefs with your underwear.”

Sorry. I know that’s sick. But that’s news you can use if ever there was.

KeyWipe Germ-Killing Pads for Keyboards, 18/Box RRTRR1233

But let’s go back to keyboards, shall we?

“Keyboards are a lunch counter for germs,” Gerba said. “We turn them over in a lot of studies and we are amazed at what comes out of a keyboard.”

In fact, the average desk harbors 400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat . . . .

Wow! I wonder if this fellow is right.

To Canada, Thanks

Regarding one immediate aftermath to the attacks on 9/11, I don’t recall ever thinking of this:

One of the consequences of closing American airspace was the denial of landing rights to all inbound international flights. Sliney’s decision made it necessary for those flights to return home, or if that could not be safely done, then to find somewhere else to land besides the US. Sliney had no idea if terrorists had more attacks coming from foreign airliners, and his decision was undoubtedly correct, despite the potential risk for the inbound flights.

Guess where a number of those flights went? Canada granted permission for these inbound flights to land despite watching the terrorist attack on the United States. It’s not a widely-discussed part of the 9/11 story, but Canada took the risk of bringing those flights into their country without knowing whether the terrorists might strike at their nation as well. No one knew what other operations the terrorists had planned for that day; some could have decided to strike airports when planes taxied to their gates.

The Canadian action took courage and selflessness and it probably saved lives. It’s just another reason to be grateful for our northern neighbors despite our occasional political differences.

Tamers or Targets?

From Agence France Presse via Yahoo! News:

In a project unknown in Islam, Morocco has just graduated its first team of women preachers to be deployed as a vanguard in the kingdom’s fight against any slide towards Islamic extremism.

Preachers might be a little strong here, judging from the rest of the article. But be that as it may, I wonder how Muslims respond to them.

And I wonder if the fanatics will see them as tamers or targets.

Maybe both.

No Gas Rebate, Please

So we have this:

Congress considered billions of dollars in new taxes on oil companies Thursday, looking for ways to punish the cash-rich industry and soothe growing anger over high gasoline prices.

Wait a minute. Punishing an industry by socking it with new taxes is supposed to soothe my “anger” over high gasoline prices? That seems so childish, political, and class-warfare-ish. But if that is Congress’ job to do . . . .

Senate Republicans also proposed a $100 fuel-cost rebate for millions of taxpayers, and Democrats talked of suspending the 18.4-cent federal gasoline tax for two months to ease Americans’ pain at the pump.

In this case, I support the Democrat idea, but for six months, please.

But even as lawmakers jockeyed for political advantage on the volatile issue, there was widespread agreement among economists and energy experts that the government has few if any weapons to quickly drive down gasoline prices that have rushed past $3 a gallon across much of the country.

Oh, political advantage. Never mind what’s right?

Above all, love God!