No Virgins for Him

So, they finally “got” al-Zarqawi. Too bad for him.


I wonder what he learned on the other side.

Meanwhile, over at Wizbang we learn that “Word of Zarqawi’s death is spreading throughout the blogosphere.”

Well no kidding.

And from Reuters, this:

The killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi removes the man who took Iraq’s insurgency to new heights of savagery but it also creates a martyr whose inspiration will mobilize new recruits.

Arab and Western security analysts were agreed on Thursday that Zarqawi’s death in a U.S. air raid would not end the insurgency, even if it represents a rare triumph in Iraq for the Bush administration.

OK, that’s Reuters.

But let’s heave aside human perspective for now.

What do you suppose Jesus said to him on the other side?

And what’s al-Zarqawi thinking now?

And do I care?

One Man’s Dream — Another Man’s Nightmare

This guy is funny. Here’s just a tiny bit of the dream/nightmare:

And there was the Speaker of the House, holding open the Congressman’s door and asking the agents if there were anything more he could do to help. Beside him was the Senate Majority Leader, telling reporters that Republicans have nothing to hide, and if the FBI wanted to search any of their offices while on Capitol Hill — well, the agents could come right in.

Funny, did I say? Looking back, I see that’s what I wrote. Funny. Yeah, kinda.

Whatever. Dream on, I say.

Israel Entices Iraq With Nukes

Wait — wrong headline. (Israel actually took a different approach in 1981.)

Here’s the correct AP headline for today: U.S. may supply Iran with nuclear technology:

World powers today gave Iran a package of incentives that includes U.S. nuclear technology to persuade Tehran to curb its uranium enrichment program, and the Islamic republic’s initial reaction was relatively upbeat.


This reminds me (inaccurately?) of the enticements offered to North Korea.

It also makes me think the US has lost its nerve to face down Iran. Or maybe it never really had the nerve to begin with. Or maybe this is all part of a globalist scheme to further weaken the US.

Is he right?

It appears it will be up to Israel again after all.

God have mercy.

No Good News?

I’ve been wondering for a while and meant to post this yesterday:

Are there no news sites out there focusing on positive news?

I don’t mean we need to overlook the bad and the negative and the bleak and the dark. But we already have scads of sources for that.

If you know of a news site offering up good news, please post it here.

Thank you!

What a Day

Way back when:

  • 1933 — the United States went off the gold standard
  • 1967 — about to be attacked by surrounding Arab countries, Israel raided Egyptian military targets in what would eventually be called the “Six Day War”
  • 1968 — Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated in Los Angeles
  • 1981 — the U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported that five homosexuals in Los Angeles had come down with a rare kind of pneumonia; they were the first recognized cases of what later became known as AIDS.

What else?

Got a Million?

Million Dollar Bill

Feds seize ‘millions’ – in gospel tracts

Secret Service agents today threatened a Denton, Texas, evangelist with arrest for counterfeiting and seized 8,300 gospel tracts designed as “million-dollar bills.”

Can an original also be a counterfeit?

Wikipedia mentions these bills:

Though not meant to be used as actual legal tender, Christian evangelist Ray Comfort’s ministry, Living Waters Publications, produces another fake $1,000,000 bill, which is in reality a Christian gospel tract. This produced embarrassing results when one dishonest fellow attempted to deposit one of the fake bills at a bank in South Carolina, triggering a Secret Service raid on one of Comfort’s warehouses in Denton.

Stock up on these bills here.

And whatever you do, accept no imitations!

A Great Threat

Do you know where North Korea is located?

This article will help you. Rather, the map with it should help.

Christianity is observed as a dangerous foreign influence which stimulated the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. That means the government sees the faith as one of the greatest threats to the regime’s power.

As a result, the North Korean authorities are making harsh efforts to root out Christianity. This regime is suspected of detaining more political and religious prisoners than any other country in the world.

That would seem to make evangelism and discipleship nearly impossible. Not so, says World Bible Translation Center’s Gary Bishop.

What difference should that make to me?

Above all, love God!