What’s With This?!

Senate denies funds for new border fence

Less than two months after voting overwhelmingly to build 370 miles of new fencing along the border with Mexico, the Senate yesterday voted against providing funds to build it.

Get me out of here!

It was supposed to be a light-hearted photo opportunity showing the gentle side of the world’s most powerful man.

Unfortunately, nobody told the baby.

Despite being closely vetted by both the U.S. secret service and German intelligence agents, the startled infant voiced a noisy protest as it was handed to George Bush.

Most Americans Plan to Vote for Democrats

Republicans are in jeopardy of losing their grip on Congress in November. With less than four months to the midterm elections, the latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll found that Americans by an almost 3-to-1 margin hold the GOP-controlled Congress in low regard and profess a desire to see Democrats wrest control after a dozen years of Republican rule.

Will Clinton go to war?

Iranian-backed Hezbollah guerrillas fired rockets at northern Israel Thursday, killing a woman and injuring several others in the border town of Nahariya and the Galilee town of Safed. The retaliation by the Jewish state led the Iranian president to threaten “a very fierce response” if Israel attacks Syria. Since Former President Clinton said at 2002 Jewish fund-raiser in Toronto, Canada that if the Jewish state were really threatened by Iran he’d “grab a rifle and get into the trench and fight and die” for Israel, will he soon be fitted for a pair of combat boots?

Putin to America: No Dice

Russia, the president said, was seeking a “multipolar” world in which the United States would no longer be “the sole superpower that tries to dictate to the world how to behave.” The Russian leader was careful not to give the impression that he wanted to revive the Cold War in any form.

President Bush’s Plan to Deploy Ineffective Missile Defense System . . . .

The National Missile Defense System is wasting billions while other critical priorities go underfunded. The Bush Administration has been spending money on the ineffective NMD system at a rate of $7 billion to $9 billion annually. For Fiscal Year 2005, the Administration has requested more than $10 billion – the largest amount for a single weapons system in the history of the Defense Department. Over the next five years, the Administration hopes to spend an additional $60 billion on this flawed system against a threat that the intelligence community agrees is years away.

Meanwhile, the Administration has refused to devote adequate resources to bolster security in our nation’s ports, on railroads and public transit systems, in airports and airplanes, and at chemical and nuclear facilities – infrastructures which are far likelier and far more susceptible targets for terrorists. To put the Administration’s priorities in perspective, the Administration’s ballistic missile request is roughly double the amount the Administration requested for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Services. The amount is triple what the Administration requested for the Transportation Security Administration. The request is more than triple the request for state and local first responders.

Russia’s emerging alliance with Iran, Syria

Over the past year:

* Russia has signed a $1 billion deal to sell missiles and other weaponry to Iran, despite the fact that Iran has called on the Muslim world to envision a world without the United States, repeatedly called for Israel to be “wiped off the map,” and denied the Holocaust ever happened.
* Russia has continued to sell nuclear technology to Iran, despite the fact that much of the West is convinced Iran is trying to build, buy or steal nuclear weapons.
* Russia has agreed to sell missiles to Syria.
* Russia has resisted U.S. and European efforts to place sanction on Iran (or North Korea) for threatening to annihilate sovereign nations and for repeatedly lying about the development of its nuclear program.
* Russia has agreed to sell arms to Hamas, and Mr. Putin has denied that Hamas is a terrorist organization.
* Russia has sat by passively as Iran and Syria have created a formal defensive alliance against the U.S., Israel and moderate Arab regimes in the Middle East.

WWIII: Dominos Down

Hamas pushed at the first teetering domino. Hezbollah finished the job.

On June 28 (1914), some guy shot Austria’s Archduke Ferdinand and Missus. I wonder how many years it took for someone to pinpoint that “small” event as the starting point of the cataclysmic event that was World War I.

This afternoon, scant over an hour ago, I stood in our kitchen finishing my piece of homemade fresh strawberry pie. That (c. 1300 Pacific) was the time when it struck me that World War III had begun.

The small event in this case was the Hamas capture and abduction of an Israeli soldier on June 25 (2006).

Israel replied with an air assault on Gaza and a not-so-veiled threat against the Palestinian Prime Minister, himself a Hamas man.

Then last night Hezbollah one-upped Hamas with a from-Lebanon attack that “bagged” two Israeli soldiers.

Israel called that an act of war and held Lebanon responsible.

Israel unleashed a limited-but-punishing sea and air assault on Lebanon, even ruining at least two runways at Beirut International Airport.

So how do I get to WWIII from there?

I think Iran is behind both of those Israeli-soldier abductions.

Reports that Hezbollah wants to send its captives to Iran only add further weight to that.

Fox News has just announced that the two kidnapped Israeli soldiers may be taken to Iran.

It appears to me that Iran hopes to provoke Israel to broaden its attack to include Iran.

Of course, this would explain the efforts against Lebanese military and civilian airfields. The Israelis want to ensure that Goldwasser and Regev do not wind up in Teheran. If they do, however, Iran would have two choices: turn the soldiers over to the International Red Cross/Red Crescent immediately, or assume the role of combatant in the conflict. Unless Iran turned over the soldiers to a neutral party, they will have committed an act of war. Unlike the Carter administration in 1979, the Israelis would not likely allow 444 days to pass before getting them back or responding in kind.

The Israelis may well see this as sufficient provocation to at least take out Iran’s nuclear facilities, especially as they see the US fiddling with UN.

So, with Israel fighting a war on three fronts, it would seem logical that the terrorist kin of the two Hs would join the fray, launching a string of homicide assaults — not just against Israel but against US interests in Iraq, in the homeland, and elsewhere abroad.

With Iran and Israel now duking it out, and Israel over-extended, the US has no choice but to take up the fight that’s been taken to it, unleashing its own assault on Iran.

That sends out the ACTIVATE signal to Iranian and terrorist cells in the US, Mexico, and Canada. They undertake a series of strikes all across the USA.

Meanwhile, the Dear Leader in North Korea sees the US fighting at home as well as on four foreign fronts (Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, and Israel) and figures out its time to unify the Korean peninsula. His first move is to use sleeper agents to decapitate SKorea’s government. Then he shreds Seoul (with conventional or crude nuclear weapons, it makes no difference, the end result is the same). With the government gone and Seoul gone, and American troops pinned down, the South collapses…but gradually, extending America’s distraction there.

The Chinese catch on also, and make their move on Taiwan.

And the Russians aim for Ukraine. At least.

The story goes on, with several countries “going nuclear” in the weapons employed.

Well, there you have it. Just a lot of off-the-cuff speculation. Oh, and off-the-charts, too. Crazy, I know. And preposterous. But I thought I should at least go on record here.

Whatever the case, men and nations pursue peace and will never find it if they continue to insist on factoring out the Prince of Peace.

If you are among those who look at current events and see compelling cause for personal and familial precautionary measures, be sure you stockpile plenty.

And be sure to tend to more than mere physical and financial survival.

See to your soul. It needn’t be destined for utter destruction, even though all else shares that fate.

Disclaimer: I know the above is poorly written and structured, but I have neither time nor interest in tuning up my effort.

Turning Up the ME Heat

OK, here’s the news item:

Hizbollah guerrillas captured two Israeli soldiers and killed up to seven Israelis in violence on either side of the Lebanese border on Wednesday, further inflaming Middle East tensions.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert described the Hizbollah attacks as an “act of war” by Lebanon and promised a “very painful and far-reaching” response.

Defense Minister Amir Peretz said Israel held the Lebanese government responsible for the two soldiers’ fate because it let Hizbollah operate freely against Israel from its territory.

“Israel sees itself as being free to employ any means it deems fit, and the army has been instructed accordingly,” he said in a statement, hinting at a broad military response.

Israel began calling up reserve troops, signaling a large-scale campaign to retrieve the two soldiers, Israel’s Channel 10 television said.

If you’re a Christian, do you pray about these matters? And if so, how? And if not, why not?

Meanwhile, over at Wizbangblog, Kim Priestap observes:

So Hezbollah had this planned and was ready for Israel’s response. This could get really ugly really quickly. If the terrorists see even more momentum swinging their way, we could see an attack on Israel from all fronts.

I very much agree.

It appears we are lurching toward all-out war. Maybe Jimmy Carter was right about Palestinian statehood, eh?

That said, perhaps soon (if not already) some cynic will connect the expanding military operations to this story:

Israel’s president is being dogged by allegations of sexual harassment in a spiraling scandal that has pushed the country’s violent standoff with Hamas off the front pages.

Do leaders really engage in military attacks to distract from their personal woes? Maybe. Is that what’s happening here? I obviously don’t know, but I doubt it.

Hey! I Wanna Teach There!

I think I would like to teach here.

Maybe I could teach a course on origins.

Or perhaps at least I could give lectures on the glories of Israel.

A part-time University of Wisconsin instructor who believes U.S. government officials orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks will be allowed to teach a course on Islam.

UW-Madison Provost Patrick Farrell said Monday that Kevin Barrett can present his view as one of many perspectives on the event when he teaches the introductory course as scheduled this fall.

Some state politicians had called for the university to fire Barrett after he spoke about his theories on a radio talk show last month.

Farrell rejected those calls, saying, “We cannot allow political pressure from critics of unpopular ideas to inhibit the free exchange of ideas.”

I imagine Farrell’s perspective would be different for me.

Then, if I were a suer, I could sue him and the university.


I wonder how soon till someone actually tries this.

Bush Bits

Happy Birthday, Mr. President.

The Anchoress wrote an interesting article about President Bush.

And John McCaslin informs us of this:

President Bush’s motorcade made an unscheduled U-turn and stop – at a lemonade stand – while speeding to the airport after Friday’s fund-raiser in Ohio for Republican Sen. Mike DeWine.

After all, how could the president pass by a young girl sporting pink sunglasses and a sign that reads: “Lemonade, 50 cents. Bush Free.”

Without at all intending any cynicism toward Mr. Bush personally, I often wonder if an elected person is acting as a politician or as who he really is.

Whatever the case, God bless Mr. Bush.

And me too. I need it just as much.


Don’t Drop Her!

When will this become an Olympic sport?

In the wife-carrying competition, men physically transport their spouses over a grueling 831-foot obstacle course that includes log hurdles, hairpin curves, changing terrain, and a four-foot-deep pool of cold water. Husbands can haul their brides any way they wish–piggyback, fireman’s carry, over-the-transom style–but they are severely penalized if they drop their wives at any point.

Or when will it come to the Americas?

Above all, love God!