A Target-Rich Environment

I don’t know what airport that is, but it sure looks like an “acceptable” target to my non-terrorist eye.

May God choose to grant all security personal extra perception and protection.

And now, for a little context, from Breitbart:

Air travelers dumped their water bottles, tossed their suntan lotion and waited hours in ever lengthening lines Thursday morning as airports ratcheted up security and delayed flights after authorities uncovered a terror plot in Britain.

In major U.S. airports, guards armed with rifles stood at security checkpoints and passengers were met by signs warning that all liquids were now banned from carry-on luggage. In one terminal at Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport, security workers opened every carry-on bag and all the flights were delayed.

“It’s better alive than dead,” said Bob Chambers, whose flight from Baltimore to Detroit for business meeting was delayed more than an hour. “It’s inconvenient, but we’ll make it.”

To stay abreast of developments, be sure to consult Wizbang and other new media!

Here’s some of Joel Rosenberg’s initial take:

Is there an Iranian connection to this plot? It is too soon to say. Early indications may be pointing to Pakistan. But consider the threat against the U.S. and England that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad issued on August 1st: “When I see the behavior of America, England, and their other accomplices in recent days, I get the impression that they are preparing even greater crimes. I warn them: Know that the fire of the wrath of the peoples is about to erupt and overflow. If you do not put an end to your crimes, know that the ocean of the peoples will soon rage. When the peoples begin to move, they will drag everybody to the defendant’s bench, and will remove them from the throne of power.”

Consider, too, the threat against the U.S. made by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on August 2nd: “Today more than ever, the Muslim peoples are disgusted and furious with the Americans. The Muslim governments, including those governments whose political statements stem from restrictions [that are placed upon them], are disgusted by the insolent and arrogant oppression and are opposed to it. The American regime can expect a resounding slap and a devastating fist-blow from the Muslim nation for its support of the Zionist crimes and criminals, after it has so brazenly violated the rights of the Muslim peoples.”

As the investigation unfolds, it may turn out that Iran has no direct connection to this specific plot. But the threat is real and growing: the forces of radical Islam — many, though not all, driven by Iran — are engaged in a winner-take-all battle to liberate Jerusalem and liquidate Israel (the “little Satan”), and to annihilate the United States (the “Great Satan”). As the war against Israel continues to heat up, we must be especially vigilant for new attacks against America, Americans, and anyone who stands with us and Israel at this time. It is also time for the President and his top advisors to begin asking how much longer the Iranian threat in particular can go unchecked.

Where’s Bibi?

Caroline B. Glick says:

The good news is that Israel has not lost the war. We can win. As the IDF’s long awaited ground assault is demonstrating, on a tactical level, the IDF has been able to learn on the go, and learn well.

The bad news is that Israel’s national leadership has so far managed to take every political and strategic advantage that Israel has, and turn it into an impediment. Today, assuming Prime Minister Ehud Olmert will let us win, what three weeks ago could have been a rapid victory will now be costly and slow. Regionally and internationally, the threats that Israel faces mount by the day. While all eyes are focused on Lebanon, Syria and Iran have both upped the ante. Diplomatically, Israel is a guppy swimming with the sharks. And as the dangers mount, far from learning from their mistakes, Olmert, Defense Minister Amir Peretz, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and IDF Chief of General Staff Lt. Gen Dan Halutz have gone from acting like rookies to acting like amateurs.

And so, as the IDF marches on to an uncertain but still forward marching trumpet, it is becoming increasingly clear that Israel’s chief impediment to victory is its government.

I wonder how many who voted for Olmert wish now they have voted for Netanyahu instead.

To date, in the interest of maintaining national unity, Israel’s political opposition, led by Likud leader Binyamin Netanyahu has been unwilling to publicly criticize Olmert for his mishandling of the war.

What a concept.

A Dome and a Temple


Now come reports that tensions are rapidly rising over the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reports that “the Islamic Movement warned Wednesday against the possibility that Jewish groups would try to reach the Temple Mount on Thursday (The Ninth of Av) and damage the Al Aqsa Mosque. The group’s warning follows a Supreme Court decision made earlier this week, ordering police to allow whoever wants to visit the Temple Mount during regular visiting hours on the Ninth of Av.” According to a Jerusalem Post story: “Citing intelligence alerts of possible violence, Jerusalem police announced Wednesday that the Temple Mount will be closed to non-Muslim visitors on Thursday, as the nation marks Tisha Be’av and the destruction of the biblical Jewish temples.”

As one of the lines in The Copper Scroll says, any effort by Jewish groups to build the Third Temple — or attack the Muslims sites — “could unleash the wrath of a billion Muslims against the tiny State of Israel and instantly obliterate any hope of peace.” (p. 82) Now several Islamic leaders have told Ha’aretz almost the exact same thing: “Extremist Jewish groups may damage the Al Aqsa Mosque. If this were to happen, heaven forbid, it would inflame the region.”

There you have it.

I just started The Copper Scroll this morning.

The Copper Scroll

Good News: North Korea

Hey! North Korea isn't just about the Dear Leader, nukes, and missiles. Those are far outnumbered by regular folks who could use your help.

Touching North Koreans:

The World Bible Translation Center continues to ask for prayer regarding the distribution of Scripture in North Korea.

Due to the severe restrictions on religious and personal freedoms, such work is very dangerous and painstaking.

North Korea has topped the Open Doors’ World Watch list for several years.

Their ranking comes among growing evidence of severe oppression in North Korea . . . .

It is against this backdrop that the Center committed to getting 20,000 New Testaments into North Korea over the next twelve months.

Pray that God will protect those involved in the project and that He will open the doors. Pray too, that freedom of religion be granted in North Korea.

Is This Bad?

Joel Rosenberg reports:

The battle for Jerusalem continues to escalate. Syria is mobilizing its forces. So is Iran. And Israel sent some 10,000 ground troops into southern Lebanon overnight. I write fictionally about a battle for control of the holy city in my new novel, The Copper Scroll. But this morning comes news that another element of my previous novel may be coming true.

On page 243-246 of The Ezekiel Option, I write about the possibility that Germany may participate in the prophetic “War of Gog and Magog” against Israel, along with Russia, Turkey, Iran and other Islamic countries. On page 335 of The Ezekiel Option, Israeli intelligence reports that German troops are being sent to southern Lebanon to join an international alliance against Israel. At the time, this seemed like one of the more far-fetched elements in my political thriller.

But this may not be fiction for long. This morning, the Jerusalem Post reports the disturbing news that German troops may, in fact, be sent to southern Lebanon, ostensibly as part of an international “stabilization” force. This follows recent reports that Turkey could lead this force, and that Russian troops may go to the borders of Israel as well.

Worldwide shock and fury

A belated response to 9/11 perhaps?

Shock and fury at an Israeli air strike that killed 52 Lebanese civilians, mostly sleeping children, rippled across the world from the United Nations to the streets of Arab capitals.

OK, so the shock-and-fury folks mostly opted out of doing their thing related to 9/11.

Have they done their thing when homicide bombers blew up Israeli civilians on purpose time and again?

Probably not. Maybe if those Israelis had been sleeping children it would have made a difference. Probably not.

Now, let’s hear a few screams and rants for shock-and-fury proportionality.

Oh never mind. Allowing these things to bother you really accomplish nothing. The planet is going darker. The darkness is man’s heart continues to express itself more freely.

Things will get worse — much, much worse — before the New Day dawns.

So fasten your soul’s seat belts.

Above all, love God!